Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

We have informed our people and the public in general that total of 12 of our comrades have been martryd since the Revolutionary Operation have began in the district Simdinli/Hakkari and its surrounding area, since 23 July. The corpses of 7 of 12 of these our martrys carried to the morgue in the city of Malatya. Their names are as follow; Mirza (Mehmet Emen), Ekin (Latife Baran), Siyabend (Ismail Zamani), Sahin (Servet Gumus), Sores Kobani (Sirvan Ahmet), Serxwebun (Aziz Zengel) and Sahan (Kutbettin Delaimilan). The corpses of 5 of other our martryd comrades, Kemal (Kemal Acar), Sarina (Sinem Unver), Murat (Agit Abdulah), Sahin (Isa Tacidar) and Zozan (Zozan Abuk), have been buried in the area under the control of our guerrillas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
17. 08. 2012