Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!
In the morning hours of 14 November, the DAIS (ISIS) gangs in the surrounding areas of Cudale, Silo and Skeniye launched an intense attack against Sengal Mountains. Our guerrillas have responded simultaneously to these attacks and intense clashes began at 11:00 hour and continued until 15:00 hour. In mean time, the gangs attacked from Geliye Silo have been effectively hit by our guerrillas. Our forces carried out an infiltration action from three sides against the gangs positioned in the field. As a result, a Hill under the control of the gangs has been taken and 7 corpses of the gangs were on the Hill. As a result of the clashes which intensified around this Hill and in general, 5 of our guerrillas have been martyred.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred Guerrillas are:
Code Name: Afat Colemerg
Real Name: Hozan Demir
Place of Birth: Van
Name of Mother/Father: Hani/Ismail
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 November 2014/Sengal
Code Name: Dilges Xosmer
Real Name: Ismail Azadixan
Place of Birth: Saqiz
Name of Mother/Father: Ayse/Osman
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 November 2014/Sengal
Code Name: Firat Levent Resko
Real Name: Bilal Bayutmus
Place of Birth: Kars
Name of Mother/Father: Ayse/Efrail
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 November 2014/Sengal
Code Name: Goran Serekani
Real Name: Hogir Suleyman
Place of Birth: Serekani
Name of Mother/Father: Uveys/Mahmut
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 November 2014/Sengal
Code Name: Rojhat Avares
Real Name: Kerim Umuimilan
Place of Birth: Maku
Name of Mother/Father: Mahire/Muhammed
Date and Place of Martyr: 14 November 2014/Sengal
Also, on the night of 14 November, at 22:00 hour, our forces carried out an attack against the gangs’, who are positioned in two different places in between Cudale and Dugure. As a result, 3 gangs killed.
Again, our forces also carried out another effective action against the gangs on the move in Cudale where 1 corps of the gangs has taken by our forces.
As a result of the total clashes, 15 DAIS gangs killed and 4 others clarified to be wounded. Yet, the number of gangs killed during the clashes and actions believed to be more than this.
Also, our forces have confiscated following materials from the gangs; 1 Scorpion type armoured military vehicle, 7 AK-47 type weapons and 7 assault vests, 1 M-16 weapon, 3 mobile telephones, numbers of hand-grenades and bullets have been confiscated. Also, 7 corpses belong to the gangs are under the control of our forces, as well.
The HPG Sengal Commandment
15 November 2014