Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!
1-     In the morning hours of 27 October, our guerrillas carried out an action against the DAIS gangs based on a Hill in the Village of Bare/Sengal. As a result, 3 gangs killed. In mean time, our guerrillas also carried out a sabotage action against an air-defence weapon mounted on a vehicle, which belong to the gangs. As a result, the vehicle has been destroyed and the wreckage of the vehicle is still in the area of action for the last two days. The number of killed and wounded gangs couldn’t be clarified in this action.
2-     The Cobra type military helicopters belong to the occupier Turkish state army bombarded the areas of the Hill of Musane, the Villages of Yekmale and Memkova, in the district of Gever/Hakkari. Aftermath of the bombardment, the military air-landed the troops on these areas with sikorsky type military helicopters. Despite the operation partially pulled back, is still continuing in the district of Gever and surrounding areas.
3-     On 27 October, at 08:30 hour, 2 civilian vehicles from the Bilican Military Base belong to the occupier Turkish state army came until the Hill of Guvenlik to scout the area, which is under the control of our guerrillas. Our guerrillas retaliated with heavy weaponry against these vehicles which were in an operational mobility. As a result, 1 soldier wounded and a vehicle has been damaged. The damaged car has been left in the area until 20:00 hour, on the same day. Aftermath, the occupier Turkish state army could be able to pull the vehicle to the military base after the arrival of the drones search-flights on the area. The mobility in the Bilican military station is increasingly continuing.
4-     On 27 October, in between 19:00 – 20:00 hours, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army flew over the Mount Gabar/Sirnak. Again, the drones belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out intensive search flights on the same region, from the night of 27 October till morning hours of 28 October.
5-     The occupier Turkish state army have been carrying out large scale operations in the areas of Bilika, Herbol and Cilbiya, in the district of Silopi/Sirnak, for the last few days.
6-     On 27 October, in between 08:00 – 15:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out intense road controls with military vehicles in the Village of Kanikorke, in the district of Bazid/Agri.
The HPG Liaison Centre
28 October