Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. The occupying Turkish army carried out an invasion operation in the Heftanin region in the Medya Defense Areas on 23 August 2019. On 16 June (yesterday) the invading Turkish army launched a new invasion attack on Heftanin which can be seen as a continuation of that first invasion operation. With the support of drones and attack helicopters, the invaders attacked these areas and dropped soldiers on the Martyr Sipan Hill in the Bektorya area, the Martyr Berivan Hill and Tepê Dupişk areas in the Martyr Kendal area.

The occupying Republic of Turkey is trying to occupy strategic places in the Medya Defense Areas following the occupation concept it is developing. The fascist genocidal Turkish state, whose target and objective is to occupy the territory of Kurdistan, from the Medya Defense Areas to North Kurdistan, will be answered in the most effective way regardless the name they put to these invasion operations by land.

We will be sharing with the public detailed information about this land operation as soon as we have them.

2. On June 15 at 9 pm, the invading Turkish army warplanes bombed Derarê in the Metina region.

On June 17 (today) between 00.00 and 00.30, fighter jets bombed the Deşta Kafya area from the Media Defense Areas to the Garê region.

We did not experience any loss in these bombardments.

3. On 30 May, the invading Turkish army launched an occupation operation in the Axvanis valley in the rural part of Dersim, Ovacık district. The operation continued until 7 June and there were intense clashes between the invaders and our forces. Our friends, Agir, Evil, Renas, Munzur, Gulan and Jiyanda, who fought ferociously against the enemy for 8 days fell martyrs. The clashes resulted in heavy losses for the enemy.

4. In our statement dated 11 June, we informed the public that on 29 May the invading Turkish army launched an occupation operation in the area of Deriya Egida in the region of Herekol, Siirt. We added that 3 of our comrades, who fought the occupants until the last bullets, had fallen martyrs. We now disclose the identity of the three fallen comrades.

Code Name: Beritan Sıla 

Name Surname: Nahide Timur

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's-Father's Name: Adile - Abdulkerim 

Martyrdom Date and Place: 29 May 2020 / Siirt

Beritan – Nahide Timur

Code Name: Gever Erdem

Name Surname: Emrullah Kırkağaç 

Place of Birth: Hakkari

Mother's-Father's Name: Bazgan - Seyfettin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 30 May 2020 / Siirt

Gever – Emrullah Kırkağaç

Code Name: Serhıldan Agiri 

Name Surname: Dilan İlhan 

Place of Birth: Siirt

Mother's-Father's Name: Wetha - Abdulmecit

Martyrdom Date and Place: 29 May 2020 / Siirt

Serhıldan – Dilan İlhan

Our comrades Beritan, Gever and Serhıldan, have become competent fighters and actively responded to the attacks launched by the AKP-MHP fascist government against Kurdistan. Our comrades Beritan, Gever and Serhıl have taken part in guerrilla resistance with great devotion and fought for the freedom of our people until their last breath.

We extend our sincere condolences to the families of our fallen and the Kurdish nation. We promise to continue our struggle on their path until we reach our ideals.

June 17, 2020

HPG Press Centre