Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1. On january 11  the occupier Turkish state army's reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance flight on our Media Defence Areas Xakurke area at 3:00 o'clock until 12 january noon at 11:30 o'clock. İt was made intensive reconnaissance flight.

2. On January 11 the occupier Turkish state army's reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance fligh on our Media Defence Areas Metina at 2:30 o'colck until 19:00 o'clock. Next day at same area between 7:00-9:00 hours occupier Turkish state army's reconnaissance plane made reconnaissance flight.

3. On January 11 the occupier Turkish state army's reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance fligh on our Media Defence Areas Zap between 12:00-1600. This flights continue until next day at 10:00-16:00 hours.

4. On January 12 the occupier Turkish state army's reconnaissance plane to reconnaissance fligh on our Media Defence Areas Haftanin between 17:00-18:00 hours.

13 January 2014

HPG Media Center