Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1- On 25 April at 06:30 in the morning, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation by air-landing its soldiers with sikorski type helicopters on the area of Akdag/Amed. The military operation covered the areas of Dest Mala, Seferan, Kosan, Kewnik, Micke, the Hill of Tang and the Hillsides of Srhit Xeyri. These areas have been intensively searched and then the operation pulled out on the same day with no result.

2- The occupier Turkish state army carried out ambushes in between the districts of Kulp, Lice and, the areas of Cele and Heyvasor/Hani, the city of Amed. Also, the intensive search of the Drones on these areas continues non-stop as well.

3- On 26 April in between 07:00-07:30, 06:00-07:00, and 01:00-02:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments on the areas of Sehit Rahime, Sehit Gafur and Sehit Karker/Oramar/Yuksekova/Hakkari.

4- On 26 April at 12:00 hour, the soldier of the Elfo military station belong to the occupier Turkish state army in the district of Solhan/Bingol, carried out operation in the Villages of Uruk and Girgiz with civilian vehicles. The operation pulled back at 04:00 hour with no result.

HPG Media and Communication Center
