Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1-On 5 October at 15:30 hour, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the areas of Kumsor, Inek, Osmausaklari, Kevire Spi and the Strait of Sorik/Sehit Xebat/in the Triangle of the districts of Yedisu-Adakli-Kigi/Bingol. The enemy military operation still continues in these areas.
2-Our guerrilla actions against the occupier Turkish state army operations to intervene on our guerrillas’ sovereignity and control on the areas of the districts of Semdinli, Yuksekova and Cukurca/Hakkari, continue.
On 6 October at 19:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action from two different wings on the enemy forces positioned on the Hill of Zevisor/Mergezere/Yuksekova. As a result, 2 enemy positions have been destroyed and a short period of a clash occurred in between our guerrillas and other enemy forces other than forces positioned on the Hill. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the action and clashes, while the occupier Turkish state army carried away the corpses of the killed and wounded soldiers with sikorski type helicopters, also bombarded the area with cobra type helicopters, with no aim.
Our guerrillas carried out an action against the reinforcement forces made of Tanks and Panzers for the operational enemy forces in the area of Veregoz/Yuksekova, at 15:00 hour. Aftermath of the action, the military convoy made of armoured vehicles had to pull back.
On the same day at 16:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the sikorski type helicopters carrying ammunition and lojistical materials to the operational forces in the area in between the areas of Memiste and Gipe/Yuksekova. As a result, the sikorski type helicopters pulled back.
On 6 October at 21:00 hour, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Mnt. Carcela. Also, the obus and mortar bombardments on the area of Carcela, which has been began in the afternoon hours of 6 October, continued until the morning hours of 7 October, as well.
Again, the occupier Turkish state army launched a new military operation, village-guards of the Village of Katuna also have been participated, in the areas of Sikeftan, Bereavrez and Waremerge/Semdinli, on 6 October.
HPG Media and Communication Center
07. 10. 2012