Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Revolutionary Campaign launched in Serhat province, our guerrilla forces carried out a sabotage action targeting an Amarok-type military vehicle heading towards Van's Çaldiran district on July 25, at 23:30 hours.

In the action, one soldier was killed and four soldiers were wounded, three of them being heavily injured. Following the action, the occupying Turkish army carried away dead and wounded soldiers from the area with Sikorsky helicopters.

2. On the evening of July 24, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation with the support of disguised units in the Dorsin area of Amed's Kulp district. On July 25, one of our guerrilla unit which was on duty encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers. The invading Turkish army, unable to enter conflict from the ground, bombarded Martyr Yilmaz hill and its surroundings with warplanes and Attack-type helicopters. Our comrade Devrim Amed was martyred in the bombardment. On July 26, at around 12:00, the operation was withdrawn from the area. The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;


Nom de Guerre: Devrim Amed

Name - Surname: Hevidar Türk

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Hanım - Farıs

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 25, 2018 / Amed

Devrim – Hevidar Türk

3. On July 27, at 15.00, the warplanes of the invading Turkish army bombed the Sida territory in the Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones. We have had no guerrilla losses in these bombardments.


July 28, 2018

HPG Press Centre