Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaigns, our forces carried out a series of actions against the occupying Turkish army in Şemzinan (Şemdinli) and Çelê (Çukurca)  districts of Hakkari.

- On June 14, at 07:00, our forces put under surveillance for two days and carried out an action targeting soldiers who were carrying out road work for occupying quarters in the Xapuşke area of Şemzinan. Simultaneously, our forces  also targeted enemy positions in the vicinity of the Güvenlik hill.

In the actions, a Kirpi-type military vehicle, a bulldozer vehicle was damaged, while 11 soldiers have been identified killed and another wounded.

Following the actions, the occupying Turkish army removed dead and wounded soldiers from the area with armored vehicles.

-  On June 13, at 09.30, our forces carried out a series of assassination actions against the occupying Turkish army soldiers positioned on the Sivri Hill in Şemzinan district of Hakkari. Three soldiers have been identified killed in the action.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombarded the surroundings areas  indiscriminately.

- On June 14, at 10.30, our forces  carried out an action against the guardhouse of Şikêr outpost in  Çelê (Çukurca) district. One soldier has been identified killed in the action.

2.  We have shared information with the public that the occupying Turkish army has launched an operation in many districts of Amed with the participation of more than 15 thousand soldiers, village guards and contras.

On June 7, at 12:00, a unit which comprising of soldiers, village guards and contras taking part in the operation were deployed on hills around the Hêdik village.

On June 9, at 15:15, our forces carried out an action after putting under surveillance this unit while they moved from the Hêdik vilalge to Seyrek village. In the action, three soldiers were killed while an armoured vehicle was damaged.

After the action, cobra-type attack helicopters belonging to the occupying Turkish army bombed the Seyrek village and the next day, the occupying Turkish army transported soldiers to the area with the sikorsky type helicopters. Again, on June 10 and June 11, cobra-type attack helicopters indiscriminately bombed the area.

The occupying Turkish army, which imposed pressure on the people living in the region and banned entry and exits to the villages, shifted the operation to Karıncak and Mêrge villages around June 13.

-  On June 12, at 14.10 hours, our forces carried out a sabotage action against a convoy of the occupying Turkish army while moving from Amed's center to Amed's Farqin (Silvan) district. A cobra-type armored vehicle in thr convoy was targeted by our forces. In the action, six soldiers in the vehicle had died and two soldiers were wounded. After the action, the occupying Turkish army removed dead and wounded soldiers from the area with ambulances.

- Our guerrillas encountered with the  occupying Turkish army soldiers near the Arigor village of Amed's Hênê (Hani) district and came into conflict with enemy forces. In the conflict, where the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified, one of our comrades has reached martyrdom after fighting heroically.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Rênas Serhat

Name Surname: İsrafil Dursun

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother's - Father's Name: Nedime-Cerciş

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 6 June 2017 / Amed

3. On June 14 at 17:30, a contra named Vedat Kılıç, who led the operations of the occupying Turkish army in the Çemçê area of of Kars' Kağızman district, involved in the crimes committed against our people and had played a role in the martyrdom of our guerrillas, was punished by our forces.

4.  At 12:30 on June 12, our forces carried out a sabotage action against the Ceyhan oil pipeline passing through the rural area of the Refahiye district of Erzincan. The pipeline was destroyed in the action. The occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the area after the action.

June 15, 2017

HPG Press Centre