Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On April 17, around 6:30, our guerrilla forces carried out an action against the occupying Turkish army in the Bayrak hill of the Barzan region in Southern Kurdistan. As a result of the effective hits, three enemy positions were destroyed and five enemy soldiers were killed.

2. On March 26, the invading Turkish army launched an operation with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles in the rural of Karboran (Dargeçit) district of Mardin. At the same day, the occupying forces bombed the area intensively. During the bombardment, three of our friends reached the martyrdom.

 In the past year, on May 13, the occupying Turkish army has launched an operation in the Martyr Resul are of the Sirnak's Besta area. During the operation clashes took place and our friend by the name Bedri Şırnak friend martyred.

The ID information of our martyr comrades as is following:

Nom de Guerre: Alişer Tori

Name - Surname: Burhan Duygun

Place of Birth: Mardin

Anne - Baba Adı: Anude - İbrahim

Şehadet Tarihi ve Yeri: March 26, 2018 / Mardin

Alişer – Burhan Duygun

Nom de Guerre: Canşer Rüstem

Name - Surname: Renas Cemil Ali

Place of Birth: Efrin

Anne - Baba Adı: Feride – Cemil Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom:March 26, 2018 / Mardin

Canşer – Renas Cemil Ali

Nom de Guerre: Rezan Zaxo

Name - Surname: Serhat Gazyak

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Anne - Baba Adı: Kadriye - Hasan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: March 2018 / Mardin

Rezan – Serhat Gazyak

Nom de Guerre: Bedri Şırnak

Name - Surname: Bedri Akça

Place of Birth: Etruş

Anne - Baba Adı: Akida - Emin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: May 13, 2017 / Şırnak

Bedri – Bedri Akça







April 18, 2018

HPG Press Centre