Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1- One of our comrade has been martyred after an traffic accident on 28 September, where she was wounded and couldn’t be safe despite all efforts, in the Medya Defense Areas.
The I.D. Details of our Martyred Comrade is;
Code Name: Diyana Dersim
Real Name: Feride Derefis
Place of Birth: Maku
Name of Mother/Father: Xezal/Cemal
Date and Place of Martyr: 28 September 2012 / the Medya Defense Areas
2- The statement made by the Turkish officials in regard to a Soldier, who is from Silopi, killed by our guerrillas during the action carried out on the Angul military station and its security Hill, in the district of Lice/Amed, on 2 November. This statement about foreword soldier not reflecting reality. The Soldier has been matter affect killed by the occupier Turkish state army aftermath of the action taken by our guerrillas.
Also, the occupier Turkish state army has not stated a soldier name, corporal Okan Cukul, who has been killed during the action on 2 November.
3- On 4 November, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy soldiers positioned on the Hill of Aksipi, which securing the enemy’s Axuke military station in the district of Ozalp/Van. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed by our guerrillas.
HPG Media and Communication Center
04. 11. 2012