Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 5, the Turkish army started an operation in the area of ​​Bêspin of the Silopi district of Şırnak province with the support of village guards and contras.

On the same day, our forces put an enemy unit in the territory of Gırê Jehrê under surveillance, and carried out an action at 18.30 in the evening. In this action, one soldier was killed and one soldier was wounded. After the action, the Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars. While the operation was withdrawn the same day; The enemy's secret units have been positioned in the field.

- The village guards of Gundıke Melê and Sêgırkê are cutting down trees in the forest of the Bênavya area of Şırnak's Cudi area.

2. On 6 May at 14.00, our forces carried out an action with mortars against the Koordine hill of Hakkari's Çelê (Çukurca) district. While the radar located at the hill has been destroyed as a result of the action; The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

3. On May 5th, at 07.20 am, our forces carried out an assassination action against the soldiers in the Çemêkurkê area in Hakkari's Şemzinan area. In this action, the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

4. On April 21, our comrade Ekin, who was in Urfa-Suruç as part of her duty, has tried to get out of enemy surveillance when she was noticed by enemy forces. Our comrade, who has shown the principal of not being captured alive, has taken away the explosive materials in her car from the areas where civilian people are located, and upon the approach of the enemy forces, has fell as martyr by exploding the explosives in the car along with herself.

The ID information of our comrade who fell as martyr is like this;

Nom De Guerre: Ekin Deniz Fırat

Name Surname: Yekta Varlı

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Neslihan - Adil

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 21, 2017 / Urfa

5. 3 of our Guerrilla comrades in different areas were wounded as a result of the heavily armed attacks against our Medya Defense Zones between the 5th and 15th of April. Alan, Dılçem, and Rızgar comrades, who have been under treatment for a certain period of time, have fell as martyrs because they could not be saved due to their heavy injuries.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is like this;

Nom De Guerre: Alan Bagok

Name Surname: Felat Abik

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Sevginaz - Ömer

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 5 - 15 April 2017 / Medya Defense Zones

Nom De Guerre: Dılçem Leheng

Name Surname: Handan Ilik

Place of Birth: Dersim

Mother's - Father's Name: Fecire - Haydar

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 5 - 15 April 2017 / Medya Defense Zones

Nom De Guerre: Rızgar Eriş

Name Surname: Fırat Kaya

Place of Birth: Hakkari

Mother's - Father's Name: Hamri - Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 5 - 15 April 2017 / Medya Defense Zones

We commemorate our comrades who have fell as martyrs with respect and gratitude, and we declare that we will carry on the victory promise and belief that they have succeeded.

May 7, 2017

HPG Press Centre