Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

 Press Release 

1. Within the scope of the Martyr Agiri and Martyr Piroz Revolutionary Campaign, on April 28 our forces carried out a series of actions against the occupying Turkish army. Within this scope;

At 09.00 hours, our forces carried out an action against invading forces positioned on the Koordine hill in Hakkari’s Çele (Çukurca) district. Two enemy soldiers have been identified killed on the enemy hill which was effectively hit on two arms, while two positions were destroyed. Following the action, the invading Turkish army bombed the area with howitzer and mortar shells. 

 On the same day, at 13.00, our forces carried out an assassination action against the enemy unit positioned in the Eli Direj valley in the Lelikan area within the territory of Southern Kurdistan, and one soldier was killed here. 

Once again, on the same day around 14.30, our forces carried out an action targeting the enemy positions on the Lelikan hill. The number of dead and wounded soldiers as a result of the effective hits against enemy positions could not be determined. Following the actions, the invading forces bombed the surrounding areas with howitzer and mortar shells.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Agiri and Martyr Piroz Revolutionary Campaign launched in the Bradost and Zagros areas, on April 27 our forces carried out an extensive revolutionary operation against enemy forces positioned on Lelikan hill aiming to invade Southern Kurdistan. 34 enemy soldiers have been identified killed in the campaign which was conducted on eight arms. In this revolutionary operation led with the attack and campaign spirit of our guerrillas against the enemy’s intensive technique, our comrade Serdem Pir has reached martyrdom after fighting against the enemy heroically.  

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Serdem Pir

Name - Surname: Adem Aytış

Place of Birth: Van

Mother’s – Father’s Name: Simonperi - Yakup

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 27, 2018 / Medya Defence Zones

Serdem – Adem Aytış

3. On April 22, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the areas of Martyr Serxwebun, Martyr Ferhat and Martyr Remzi in Amed’s Lice district. On April 23, around 12.30, the invading forces carried out airdrops to the surroundings of the village of Xosor and the hamlet of Mala Farqin with sikorsty-type helicopters amid the support of cobra-type helicopters. The invading forces which bombed the area with cobra-type helicopters have also practised pressure on the locals in the region. The operation was withdrawn in the evening of April 23 without any results.

On April 25, at 06.00, the occupying Turkish army carried out airdrops on the areas of Martyr Serxwebun, Martyr Ferhat and the territories of the village of Xosor in the district of Lice with sikorsy-type helicopters amid support from many cobra-type helicopters, launching an extensive operation. On the same day, around 12.30 hours, our forces carried out a sabotage action against a unit of the operation near the village of Xosor. Two enemy soldiers have been identified killed in this action, and four other soldiers have been wounded. The enemy unit which was dispersed to the surrounding area following the action was targeted by our forces once again. One soldier has been killed inside the enemy soldiers which were hit in close range, and two others have been wounded. On the same day, our forces put under surveillance a unit of the operation. This enemy unit which was followed by our forces until near the village of Horsel was targeted in close range at around 17.30 hours and struck. Two enemy soldiers have been killed in this enemy unit which was put under intense fire on three arms, and four other soldiers have been wounded.

Following the actions, the invading forces bombed the area with cobra-type helicopters and carried away dead and wounded soldiers from the area with sikorsy helicopters. On April 26 the occupying Turkish army raided the villages in the area, detaining some villagers and practising torture on them. This invasion operation was withdrawn from the area on April 28. 

On April 19, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Martyr Remzi area of Amed’s Lice district. The invading Turkish army intensively bombed the area in the operation launched with the support of unmanned aerial vehicles, warplanes and cobra-type helicopters. Conflicts have taken place between our forces and the invading soldiers which were airdropped to the area following the bombardments. The occupying Turkish army, unable to fight against our forces on the ground, has intensively bombed the area once again. Our comrades Sema and Asmin, who fought heroically against the invaders, reached martyrdom in these bombardments. The operation was withdrawn from the area on April 20.

The ID information of our martyr comrades Sema and Asmin is as following;

Nom de Guerre: Sema İntikam

Name - Surname: Zühre Yarıcı

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Dilber - Abdulbahri

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 19, 2018 / Amed

Sema – Zühre Yarıcı

Nom de Guerre: Asmin Gelawej

Name - Surname: Leyla Çapın

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother’s - Father’s Name: Saliha - Abdurrahman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: April 19, 2018 / Amed

Asmin – Leyla Çapın


April 29, 2018

HPG Press Centre