Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

The Turkish army, unable to achieve a significant result in the operations carried out with the participation of thousands of soldiers in Amed, accelerated its attempts for the agencification of the region. In this scope;

1.On Decenber 26, 2016, the Turkish army's six thousand soldiers participated in operations in Amed's Martyr Navdar and Martyr Rojhat areas in the countryside for five days. The operation was withdrawn inconclusively after five days.

- On December 22, 2016, the Turkish army launched an operation encompassing Amed's Çermik - Çunguş - Ergani and Adıyaman's Genger district with the participation of 10 thousand soldiers. this operation continued for five days before being withdrawn.

-On January 5, the turkish army launched an operation in Amed's Martyr Navdar and Martyr Rojhat areas.

2. During its recent operations in Amed, the Turkish army has been threatening locals in Lice district and subjecting them to attempts of agencification. Turkish soldiers broke into and damaged many houses in the Licok, Kerwaz, Mehle, Nenyas and Cumar villages. Ar the same time, the Turkish army detained many people from the locals of the region. Many residents from Çemealik, Speynik, Xıraba and Şele villages are forcibly taken to the Korxe and Angol outposts in Lice Where they face with attempts of agencification under dirty plans.

9 January 2017

HPG Press Centre