Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


1-On 9 October at around 12:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a 2 guard cabins of the Serekani military station in the district of Dogubeyazit/Agri. As a result, while 2 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas, the enemy soldiers opened rapid fire on the surrounding area of the action with no aim.

2-On 9 October at around 10:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action on the Kozik military station in the district of Dogubeyazit/Agri. As a result, 1 enemy soldier killed by our guerrillas.

3-On 10 October in between 17:00-19:00 hours, the war-planes belong to occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Village of Surede/Kandil/the Medya Defense Areas.

4-On 10 October, our guerrillas carried out an action on the Serxete military station in the district of Eruh/Siirt. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. And, in mean time a cobra type helicopter intervened to our guerrillas, yet retreated after the resistance of our guerrillas.

5-While the attacks of the occupier Turkish state army continues, our guerrilla forces’ sovereignty on the areas of the districts of Semdinli, Gever and Cukurca also continues.

On 10 October at around 10:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a enemy military convoy made of 10 veicles, including Panzer and Tanks, coming from te district of Gever and going to Sitazin Military station. Te action turn into a clash, which continued until 12:00 hour. While number of enemy soldiers killed and wounded couldn’t be able to calrify, military convoy repulsed and went back to the district of Gever.

On te same day at around 14:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out another action on an another military convoy belong to enemy. This action also turn into a clashes, which continued until 11 October at 03:00 hour. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Aftermath of the clashes, the cobra type helicopters belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out bombardments on the area of Carcela.

On 10 October at around 11:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action in between the Villages of Cilika and Kokete/Esendere/Gever. As a result, while 1 enemy vehicle destroyed, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify.

The occupier Turkish state army has been time to time carrying out obus and mortar bombardments on the area of Ertus/Cukurca/Hakkari.

6-The military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army on 10 October, in the area of Korxan/Igdir, still continues.

HPG Media and Communication Center

11. 10. 2012 vers,� o �405national Conspiracy of 9th October and as well as latest developments. Our guerrillas also made warnings to the people to not to work on the development of the Silvan Dam.

4-On 8 October in between 16:00-18:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardment on the area of Bamarase/Mnt. Herekol/Siirt. On the same day in between 21:00-22:00 hours, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army also carried out air-bombardments on the areas of Desta Sor and Bamarase as well.

5-Our guerrilla forces have no responsibility for the explosion occurred in the rural area of the Village of Senoba (Segirke), in the district of Uludere/Sirnak, where 1 person lost life and 1 other wounded as a result of the explosion.

HPG Media and Communication Center

09. 10. 2012                                     minorR