Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

To the Press and Public!

1-    In the morning hours of 2 November, our guerrilla forces launched a operation against the ISIS gangs in the Village of Solak, the Hill of Sehit Karker and some of the mountain areas where ISIS gangs based. This operation has continued until 15:00 hour on the same day. As a result, clearly 3 gangs killed, yet it is believed the numbers of killed and wounded gang members are more than the given number. These areas cleaned from the gangs. In mean time our guerrilla forces confiscated those military materials from the gangs: 3 Mortars, 1500 BKC bullets, 250 AK-47 bullets, 2 Binoculars, 2 night vision binoculars, 6 hand grenades and some other military materials. 

The HPG Liaison Centre

2 November 2014