Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

1- The occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation with the participation of over 4000 soldiers in the all areas of the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak, on 1 November. The details of the military operation and intensive clashes, which has been continued under the coordination of the commander of the 2nd Army Corps of the TSK and the commanders of the Ask Divisions in the Hakkari, are as follow;
On 1 November at 15:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the operational enemy forces, who participated the operation in the Plateaus of Meydan Zengil and Lales/Beytussebap. As a result, at least 4 enemy soldiers killed and the number of wounded enemy couldn’t be able to clarify. While the cobra type helicopters intensively bombarded the area, enemy carried away the corpses of killed and wounded soldiers with sikorski type helicopters.
On the night of the same day, the military operation extended to the Plateaus of Kejane, Cela Cenge and Mezra; the Hillside of Peyanus; the Hills of Kato Kawale, Kato Orte, Tepe Ahmet, Tepe Res.
On 2 November in between 04:30-05:00 hours, the war-planes belong to the Turkish state army carried out air bombardments on the areas of Kato Marinos, Astenga Marinos, Anitos, Suware Xale and Mamedoka, and then enemy extended its military operation on these areas by air-landing its forces there as well. Enemy operational forces placed 8 Panzers on the area of Pira Sine and also positioned its forces on the surrounding Hills overlooking this point. On the same day in between 10:00-11:00 hours, there have been other air-bombardments carried out on the area of Kato Marinos. Then after, the same area also has been intensively bombarded with cobra type helicopters.
On 3 November, while the operational enemy forces moved to get into these areas have been faced an action of our guerrillas in the area of Mezra. The enemy operational forces have been effectively hit by our guerrillas with hand-greanades in a close distance. As a result, 6 enemy soldiers killed by our guerrillas.
On 4 November, while the enemy military operation I all given areas were continuing, enemy forces also began the operation in the areas of the Gate of Sehit Botan and Gate of Hirce as well by air-landing its forces.
On 5 November at 13:15 hour, clashes occurred in between our guerrilla forces and the enemy operational forces, while enemy attempted get on the areas Katos. The clashes continued until 15:30 hour, and as a result more than 10 enemy soldiers killed and many of them wounded. We couldn’t be able to clarify looses of enemy due to intensive enemy bombardments. On the same, after heavy blow, the operation forces of the occupier Turkish state army had to pull back from the area under the air support of cobra type helicopters, in between 12:00-20:00 hours.
On 6 November at 16:30 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the enemy operational forces belong to the occupier Turkish state army positioned in the area of Sikere Spi. Yet, the number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers killed and wounded couldn’t be able to clarify. In the same hours, an enemy Sikorski type helicopter attempted to intervene to the area, which has been forced to retreat as a result of retaliation by our guerrillas.
The military operation launched by the occupier Turkish state army had to pulled back on the 7th day of the operation as a result of heavy blows of our guerrillas.
On the 5th day of the enemy operation, 5 November, 4 of our comrades have been martyred as a result of clashes. We will be sharing the I.D. details of our martyred comrades in the coming days as we clarify them. In mean time, our connection with a guerrilla unit, made of 3 members, couldn’t be able to establish until today.
2- On 7 November at 20:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against the watch-tower of the Xalinka military station in the district of Baskale/Van. As a result, 3 enemy soldiers killed. And, the number of wounded enemy soldiers couldn’t be able to clarify. Later, the occupier Turkish state army intervened to the area with armored military vehicles and then carried away the corpses of killed and wounded enemy soldiers with these armored vehicles. Aftermath of the action, in the morning of 8 November, the occupier Turkish state army carried out a partial military operation in the surrounding area were the action took place.
3- On 7 November at 05:00 hour, the war-planes belong to the occupier Turkish state army carried out air-bombardments on the Hillsides of Mezra Xizir and Helin/the area of Dorsin/Kulp/Amed. On the same day at 09:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against a sikorski type military helicopter, which attempted air-land enemy soldiers on the Strait of Kles. While the damaged helicopter had to repulse from the area, the occupier Turkish state army pulled back its operational forces at 15:00 hour.
4- On 7 November in between 05:00-06:00 hours, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the Strait of Ranyapire and the Hill of Genis/Semdinli/Hakkari. While the enemy operation pulled back under the air-support of cobra type helicopters, at 23:00 hour, the cobra type helicopters carried out intensive bombardments on the same area until the morning hours of 8 November.
5- On 7 November at around 15:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation on the Mnt. Govende/Semdinli/Hakkari. The same area has been intensively air-bombarded by the cobra type helicopters, in the morning hours of 8 Novemeber.
6- We have been clarified that 1 of our guerrilla, who has been cut off from his unit during the action carried out against the Angul military station, in the district of Lice/Amed, has been martyred.
The I.D. Details of our martyred comrade is;
Code Name: Zerdest Ardil
Real Name: Mazlum Demir
Place of Birth: Amed
Name of Mother/Father: Feride/Mehmet Sait
Date and Place of Martyr: 2 November 2012/Lice, Amed
HPG Media and Communication Center
08. 11. 2012