Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. On May 3, at 23:00, our forces carried out a comprehensive raid action on Hakkari's Koordine Hill in Çelê (Çukurca) district. In this action, our forces targeted the hill and hit it effectively with heavy and individual weapons.

While the action was being carried out, Cobra-type helicopters hit the around the hill, and the Cobra helicopters were forced to retreat from the scene after our forces hit them. At the same time, Ertuş, Security hill, Êriş and Bılican outposts bombarded the action area and its surroundings with howizters and mortars.

In the conflicts that lasted for about 1 hour, 3 containers were destroyed and many positions were hit. Two of our comrade in the attack group entered the hill, effectively hitting the containers and positions on the hill. All of these containers and positions were burnt. 13 soldiers were killed while 10s of soldiers were wounded in this action. After the action, our forces hit the hill intensely with mortars. The Turkish army has collected its dead and wounded 3 times with Sikorsy helicopters.

As a result of the comprehensive actions, a comrade of ours has been martyred, while connection with our two guerrillas were not made.

2. On 5th of May, at 10:30 am on the border of South Kurdistan, while five residents wanted to go to their villages from the Sıncê village of the area of Küçük Cilo, they were consciously shot with howizters, mortars and heavy weapons by the Turkish army's soldiers while they were on the slope of the village. This attack of the occupying Turkish state resulted in the death of one citizen while another citizen was injured. The people of the village who wanted to collect the body of the villager on the same day were again targeted and bombed. The people of the village had to return without retrieving the body from the area.

3. The Turkish State is trying to maintain this dirty war on the basis of total denial and destruction in order to reverse the historical processes that our people have achieved as a result of the great struggle where they reach step by step towards a free life. In the winter months, just as how the Turkish state spread the propaganda that it will finish the Guerrilla, it has carried out extensive operations including the wide areas to the smallest settlement. And by using the media actively, has not refrained from repeating its operations and decorating it with great success. As a result of these operations carried out at a level that can not be compared with any other period in the winter months, the Turkish State has tried to hide the real results of the operations it has had difficulty carrying out from the public.

We have announced that we will share the results of the operations and the war that has taken place in the most accurate and true way for our people and the public with all its results. Within this scope;

Between March 20, we have announced that extensive operations were organized by the Turkish army with the participation of thousands of soldiers against the areas of Martyr Serxwebun in Amed's Lice district and the Martyr Remzi area between Lice, Kulp and Bingöl's district of Genç and the martyrdom of two of our guerrilla groups as a result of the clashes that took place here.

We have had to announce our comrades in the second group of guerrillas today, whose martyrdom has become clarified, as a result of the obligatory conditions of the war.

Each of our 11 comrades who took the tradition of resistance, the heroic pursuit of freedom by our people, became the symbol of the stance that sacrificed themselves for the supreme aims of the Agits, the Zilans, the Beritans, Azads and the Çekdars.

Nom De Guerre: Aras Cudi

Name Surname: Seyithan Günay

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's - Father's Name: Cemile - Isa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Bahoz Elih

Name Surname: Şefik Kavak

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Hüzna - Abdulkadir

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Çekdar Andok

Name Surname: Velat Ilbey

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Ferfur - Ilham

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Çiyager Amed

Name Surname: Ramazan Demir

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Fikriye - Şevki

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Dıjwar

Name Surname: -

Place of Birth: -

Mother's - Father's Name: -

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Gernas Jiyan

Name Surname: Doğan Gücü

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Remziye - Oral

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Hemin Marefi

Name Surname: Emced Muhammedinya

Place of Birth: Divandere

Mother's - Father's Name: Feraset - Ibrahin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Hüseyin Mahir

Name Surname: Amed Çelik

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Figen - Casım

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Mahsum Agit

Name Surname: Hasan Salış

Place of Birth: Adana

Mother's - Father's Name: Islim - Sadun

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

Nom De Guerre: Zınar Serhat

Name Surname: İhsan Toprak

Place of Birth: Bursa

Mother's - Father's Name: Azize - Kemal

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 4 - 20 March 2017 / Amed

While we commemorate our comrades Aras, Bahoz, Çekdar, Çiyager, Çiyager Amed, Dıjwar, Gernas, Hemin, Hüseyin, Mahsum and Zınar who have reached martyrdom with respect, the struggle which they have continued with great faith and devotion will be the promise of our march for victory.

HPG Press Centre

5 May, 2017