Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1. Our forces have carried out an operation against the occupying Turkish army which carried out an operation in Siirt's Herekol area based on certain betrayal networks and contras.

Our forces which put under surveillance occupying forces in the Girê Kulind territory for a long time launched an attack on July 26, 19.20 on four arms. In the operation where all the targeted positions were hit effectively, 5 identified positions have been completely destroyed, while many positions were struck.

In the attack where 9 enemy soldiers were killed, and where many enemy soldiers were wounded, our forces also destroyed a BKC full automatic weapon. Our forces have seized in the destroyed positions one thermal binoculars, one day binoculars and one wireless devicle belonging to the occupying forces.

Comrade Agid, who played a major role in the success of the operation, who went above enemy positions with the superior stroke power of the Apoist guerrillas, was seriously injured during the attack and reached martyrdom despite all the interventions.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars, while sikorsy-type helicopters have carried away the dead and wounded soldiers from the area.

2. On July 25, at 19.00 our forces targeted a unit of the occupying Turkish army in the area of ​​Deriyê Zêrdêlê of the Kato Jirka region of Şırnak province. Our forces, which effectively hit enemy positions, destroyed a position where the A4 heavy weapon was located. In this action, four enemy soldiers were killed and many soldiers were wounded.

After the action, the occupying Turkish army removed its dead and wounded soldiers from the area with sikorsy-type helicopters.

3. On July 17, at 03.00 our forces targeted a transit-type vehicle carrying contra units which was moving between the Van and Xırabê Bader road. The transit vehicle that was hit effectively was destroyed while the number of dead and wounded contras in the action could not be determined. After the action, occupying forces launched an operation in the area of Nodizê.

4. On 26 July, a vehicle carrying building materials for the construction of the occupying Turkish army's Gır oupost in Amed's Lice district was stopped and burned. Our guerrillas released the vehicle driver after the warning.

5. A conflict took place between the occupying Turkish army soldiers which carried out an operation on the road between Karavelyan village of Bingöl and Elazığ province and our guerrillas at 03:00 hours on July 25. After the conflict in which the number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be determined, the occupying Turkish army entered Karavelyan village and practised pressure and torture to the locals. Our fighting force has reached its base areas firmly.

The operation was withdrawn at 19.00 on the same day without any results.

6. The occupying Turkish army, who is deeply desperate against the effective resistance of our guerrillas, is trying to obtain results with intensive technical support attacks.

For this purpose; On July 27, at 08.30 am, a wide-scale air attack was launched by the occupying Turkish army against the areas of Avaşin, Zap and Çemço in the Medya Defense Zones.

Within this scope; Tepê Sor, Tepê Martyr Rizgar, Tepê Martyr Sılêman and Tabura Ereban areas of the Avaşin region; On the same day at 12.00 the areas of Çiyares, Kurojaro and Werxelê in the Zap region of Medya Defense Zones and at 14.20 hours, warplanes of the occupying Turkish army bombed the Çemço area.

As a result of the attacks, numerous vineyards and gardens belonging to the civilian population have been damaged and partial land fires have emerged in the area.

7. The occupying Turkish army's Kuroşino outpost in Şırnak province of Uludere district bombarded Koordine hill with howitzer and mortar shells on July 27 between 09.00 and 10.00.

On the same day between 11.30-12.30 and 19.00-22.00, outposts on the border line of the Uludere district bombarded the zones of Derarê and Hırorê. After the bombardments organized by the occupying Turkish army, the fire which began in the field still continues.

8. On July 19, our guerrillas which encountered with the occupying Turkish army soldiers near Demirkapı village of Ağrı's Bazid (Dogubeyazit) district entered into conflict with enemy forces. In this conflict where the number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers can not be clarified, three of our comrades have reached martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;


Nom de Guerre: Delil Zerdeşt

Name Surname: Bilent Taşdemir

Place of Birth: Kars

Mother's - Father's Name: Herdem- Latif

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  July 1, 2017 / Ağrı

Nom de Guerre: Dıjwar Bazid

Name Surname: Mehmet Şahin

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother's - Father's Name: Fazile- Murat

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  July 1, 2017 / Ağrı

Nom de Guerre: Fazıl Dılgeş

Name Surname: Fuat Mahçup

Place of Birth: Erzurum

Mother's - Father's Name: Aysel- Mehmet Nuri

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  July 1, 2017 / Ağrı

9. We stated in our statement made on July 5 that On July 1, our forces encountered with the enemy soldiers and entered into conflict with the occupying Turkish army soldiers  between Mijîn and Hilal villages of Sirnak's Qileban (Uludere) district. Our comrade named Sidar Adil (Mehmet Zafer Çiçek), who fought heroically against the enemy in the conflicts and reached the martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;


Nom de Guerre: Sidar Adıl

Name Surname: Mehmet Zafer Çiçek

Place of Birth: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Gülüzar- Fikret

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  July 1, 2017 / Şırnak

10. On 6 June, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Çemçe area of Kars' Kağızman district of Kars. During the conflicts enemy forces used techniques intensively in the operation and two of our guerrillas have fell as martyr after fighting heroically.

The ID information of our martyr comrades are as following;


Nom de Guerre: Bawer Malazgirt

Name Surname: Kasım Yanık

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Gilbarin- Abdulhamit

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  June 4, 2017 / Kars


Nom de Guerre: Murat Partizan

Name Surname: Ahmet Acar

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's - Father's Name: Hayat- Birek

Date and Place of Martyrdom:  June 4, 2017 / Kars


July 28,2017

HPG Press Centre