Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


Number of military operations carried out by the occupier TSK: 16

Number of air attacks carried out by the occupier TSK: 21

Number of Cobra type helicopter attacks carried out by the occupier TSK: 15

Number of obus and mortar attacks carried out by the occupier TSK: 24

Number of clashes occurred as a result of operations: 15

Number of actions carried out by our guerrillas in retaliation of the operations: 47

Number of action and clashes that the results couldn’t clarify: 15

Number of killed enemy soldiers during action and clashes (clarified): 201

Number of wounded enemy soldiers during action and clashes (clarified): 14

Number of sikorski type helicopter hit down: 1

Number of Sikorski type helicopter hit and damaged: 5

Number of cobra type helicopter hit and damaged: 1

Number of military vehicles and hardware destroyed belong to enemy: 4 Tanks, 3 A4 heavy automatic weapons, 1 antiaircraft weapon, 1 Hedgehog type armored vehicle, 1 armored vehicle, 1 Mount Deer type armored vehicle

Number of military materials confiscated from enemy: 3 HK33, 2 G3, 1 M16, 1 assassination weapon, 6 magazines, 2 military bags, and many other military materials.

Number of vehicles destroyed belongs to those working with enemy for military purposes: 1 Excavator

Number of arrest and detention made by our Guerrillas: 13 (10 of them released)

Number of our martyred guerrillas: 41

HPG Media and Communication Center

03. 12. 2012