Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Number of land operations carried by the occupier TSK : 38
Number of air-attacks carried by the occupier TSK : 44
Number of cobra attacks carried by the occupier TSK : 32
Number of Tank and Cannon attacks carried by the occupier TSK : 56
Number of clashes occurred as a result of enemy military operations : 21
Number of actions carried out against enemy military operation : 188
Number of clashes that the result couldn’t be clarified by our guerrillas : 30
Number of enemy soldiers killed during action and clashes (clarified): 581 (including 25 Policemen and 3 village-guards)
Number of enemy soldiers wounded during action and clashes (clarified): 232(including 30 Policemen and 4 village-guards)
Number of enemy sikorsky type helicopters hit-down : 2
Number of enemy sikorski type helicopters hit and damaged : 12
Number of enemy cobra type helicopter hit and damaged: 1
Enemy Military equipments destroyed : 3 buses, 6 Panzer, 1 Hedgehog armored vehicle, 4 Scorpions armored vehicles, 1 Reo type military vehicle, 2 Tanks, 2 armored official vehicles, 23 train cars, 4 A4 type weapons, 1 BKC, 1 Mortar, 1 HK33, 1 B7 type weapon, 1 Thermal camera)
Damaged enemy military equipments : 3 Scorpion type armored military vehicles, 2 Tanks, 3 Mount-Deer type armored military vehicles, 2 Buses, 1 Transit type vehicle.
Military equipments confiscated by our Guerrillas : 2 Keleskinov, 8 HK33, 1 G3, 3 BKC full automatic, 1 bomb-thrower and 5 of its rockets, 1 Karnas type assassination weapon, 1 rifle, 1 hand-gun, 14 hand-granedes, 5 magazines, 5 thermal equipments, 5 binoculars, 700 BKC bullets and its 7 chains, 14 walkie-talkies, 3 telephones, 2 computers, 1 camera
Vehicles destroyed those belongs to working in collaboration with enemy : 41 Lorries, 14 TIRs, 2 Bulldozer, 13 Ladles, 15 vehicles, 3 Tankers, 2 road graders, 8 Transits, 2 road cylinders, 2 road broker, 2 concrete mixer and 1 cement launcher, 1 rifle, 1 walky-talky, 1 printer, 10 container, 4 dormitories, 3 TVs, 2 computers, 5 telephones, 1 prefabricate house.
Number of people detained by our guerrillas : 3 Village-guards, 7 collaborators and bureaucrats
Number of our guerrillas martyred: 46
HPG Media and Communication Center
03. 10. 2012