Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


On 13th of August, our movement took a decision to start a unilateral non-action period for the creation of a peacefull and a dialogue environment. The Rebuplic of Turkey have not taken any positive step until to this very day and, continued its attacks and operations non-stop. Also, these non-stop attacks and operations continued almost on daily basis in the month of October as well. Despite all these, our Guerrillas kept their non-action positions and did not get into clashes unless it was necessary.


The balance-sheet of the war for October 2010 is as follows;

Number of Operations carried out by Enemy                  : 32

Number of Cannon Attacks Carried by Enemy                : 30

Bombardments Carried by Cobra attack Helicopters       : 5

Number of Clashes                                                      : 3

Number of Air-raids                                                     : 1 (in Hakkari)

Harrassment made by the War-planes                           : 1 (in Zap)

Confiscated materials from the enemy                          : 1 HK-33 Type weapon

Number of Actions Carried by our Guerrillas                  :  2

Number of Martered Guerillas                                       : 7

Number of Enemy Soldiers Killed                                  : 7


The Press Liaison Center - HPG