Kurdistan People's Defence Forces


The occupying Turkish armed started an operation on the border Of Uludere and Media Defense Area. In the peace process Turkish  goverment want to build new army stations and ways on the border  of Media Defense Area. İt has a big risk for our Guerillas . We made the warning and descriptions before if the occupying Turkish goverment and army will countinue this activity our guerilla use their the right to legitimate defense. But the occupying Turkish army is countinuing this actvity.


1. The occupying Turkish army wanted to advenced to Media Defense Area/Martyr Kendal region with a big convoy on 6th March at 07:30 o'clock. Lived a big conflicts between our guerilla and ocuppier Turkish army. Four Turkish soldiers was dead in the this conflicts. And our guerilla gav a bg damage to two Turkish special army vehicles. After the conflicts Turkish armed took their dead and wounded with skorsky helicopters. At the last  the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments to Martyr Kendal and Kuraniş Valley.

2. At the same day the occupier Turkish state army wanted to advenced to the Media Defense Area with the seven special war vehicles at 13:30 o'clock. But our guerillas use their the right to legitimate defense against the occupier Turkish state army. And this conflicts countunied until 15:30 o'clock. When the conflicts are countinuing the war planes flew over the Martyr Kendal between 14:00 - 14:30 hours. Also the occupier Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar bombardments to Martyr Kendal and Kuraniş Valley between 14:00 - 14:30 hours.  

3. The occupier Turkish state army started a new operation on 7th March with five special war vehicles. But our guerilla shot to this convoy at at 05:30 o'clock. And this conflicts countinued until afternoon.  

4. A secret uniti belonging to the occuppier Turkish state army surveillance activities in the Tepe Şer belonging to Omerli/Mardin.

7 MARCH 2014

HPG Media Center