Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Our people and to the Public!

1. On 22 May at 01:00-02:30 am part of Medya Defence area; hafta xantur area was attacked with howitzer and mortar by the Turkish army forces.

2.On 20 May at 01:00-2:00 am part of Medya Defence area; Hafta Partizan hill, Xerîp hills and Bezenîke village were attacked with howitzer and mortar by the Turkish army forces.

3. On 20 May; around evening time part of Medya defence Area Hafta's Hafta village was attacked with howitzer and mortar by the Turkish army forces. The result of the attacked vineyards and gardens which belongs to villager had extensive damage and one of the villager named Süleyman injured.

4. On 19 May; in Tırpenek, Mevenus, Pevenus, Kızılkilise area of Çemçe village of Kağızman district in Kars city, an operation initiated by Turkish army. On 21 May operations has been withdrawn as inconclusive.

5. On 19 May Arıcak district in Elazığ city and operation initiated by Turkish Army. And very same day between Turkish Army and our Guerrilla collision happened. Turkish army did not specify the number of dead and wounded, after the collision Turkish army attacked with howitzer and mortar. Operations continue.

6. On 20 May Turkish Army attacked Xakurkê which is part of Medya defence Area with combat aircraft and result of that some of our friends reached their martyr and we have got their identity details below.

The details of our friends who reached their martyr:

Adnan - Ekrem Alınbay

Nickname: Adnan Piro
Real Name and Surname: Ekrem Alınbay
Date and Place of Birth: 1977 / Lice - Amed
Place and Date of joined: 1992 / Amed
Mother’s Name: Medine
Father's Name: Hüseyin
Martyrdom Date: 20 Mayıs 2010 / Xakurkê, Medya Savunma Alanları


Nudem - Sinem Bekir

Nickname: Nudem İmralı
Real Name and Surname: Sinem Bekir
Date and Place of Birth: 1986 / Halep
Place and Date of joined: 2001 / Halep
Mother’s Name: Nebihe
Father's Name: Remzi
Martyrdom Date: 20 Mayıs 2010 / Xakurkê, Medya Savunma Alanları


Andok - Savaş Örtas

Nickname: Andok Zagros
Real Name and Surname: Savaş Örtas
Date and Place of Birth: 1988 / Hakkari
Mother’s Name: Sever
Father's Name: İsa
Martyrdom Date: 20 Mayıs 2010 / Xakurkê, Medya Savunma Alanları

Dersim - Jiyan Mığcı

Kod adı: Dersim Newal
Gerçek adı ve soyadı: Jiyan Mığcı
Doğum tarihi ve yeri: - / Yüksekova, Hakkari
Ana adı: Gülbahar
Baba adı: Naci
Şahadet Tarihi: 20 Mayıs 2010 / Xakurkê, Medya Savunma Alanları





HPG Press-Communication Centre

22 May 2010