Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

The occupant Turkish state has carried out airstrikes on Medya Defense Zones, Maxmur Refugee Camp and Shengal. The invading army claimed in the reports circulated via the media under its control that the strikes on Maxmur and Shengal were directed against the PKK. The invading Turkish state seeks to cover up the massacres it is to commit by distorting the truth on the attacks that have targeted civilian population protecting their land and the self-defense forces they themselves have formed.

The true face of the genocidal Turkish state has been exposed once again by these attacks against our people in Maxmur refugee camp who fled the atrocities of the occupant Turkish state and the Yazidi people in Shengal who have resisted and fought against ISIS.

The colonialist Turkish state, which doesn’t recognise a single value and achievement of the Kurds anywhere, has been carrying out flagrant attacks with various excuses. These attacks target the achievements of the Kurdish people and other peoples in the region. These attacks against the peoples of Maxmur and Shengal, who have resisted ISIS, are no different than the genocidal mentality of the ISIS.

There was no activity or movement of the guerrilla forces in the areas in question. Any attack of the occupiers against the Kurdish people and their achievements of in any part of Kurdistan will be responded by our forces most fiercely.

The details of the attacks that targeted Medya Defense Zones at 00:05 on May 15 (today) as follows:

Fighter jets bombed the Sida and Martyr Rüstem areas in Zap region, the Werxele area in Avashin region, Sinine area in Xakurke region and the areas of Şehidan and Zergele in Qandil region. 

Our forces did not suffer any casualties as a result of these bombardments.

June 15, 2020

HPG Press Centre