Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

1.The invasion of the occupying Turkish army on Zap region of the Medya Defense Zones on 16 June was forced to retreat after 23 days of intense clashes.

The operation launched by the Turkish army with the goal of invading the Qela Bedewê, Martyr Munzur, Martyr Xeyri hills and Gijnê village within Southern Kurdistan borders at 21:45 on June 16 has faced resistance from our guerrillas from the first moment on.

In the operation area that was bombed by fighters jets and Cobra type helicopters with an 24-hour support of Unmanned from air, as well as with missiles and artillery fire from the ground, our forces manifested superior will and resolve and kept the enemy's positions under constant fire.

The Turkish army repeatedly replaced the invading forces that were inflicted heavy blows, but still failed to achieve its goal and to hold on in the face of the self-sacrificing manner of our guerrillas.

After conducting an uninterrupted bombardment with fighter jets, Cobra helicopters, howitzer and mortar fire on the mentioned area from 8 July evening to 02:00 am of 9 July night, the Turkish army has been forced to withdraw its soldiers from the region with Sikorsky helicopters.

During this period of 23 days, our guerrillas targeted the enemy forces 69 times, and the actions with verified results left 142 enemy soldiers dead and 18 others wounded. During this period of time, 2 Sikorsky helicopters of the invading Turkish army were damaged.

6 of our brave comrades who fought in a self-sacrificing manner with guerrilla tactics to frustrate the invasion operation have fallen as martyrs during this operation.

2. Within the scope of the Martyr Bedran Gundikremo and Martyr Nalin Muş revolutionary campaigns, our forces carried out actions against the occuyping Turkish army in Çelê (Çukurca), Gever (Yüksekova) districts of Hakkari.

On July 8, at 12.00, Our forces carried out an action targeting enemy positions on the Şikêrê Spi hill. The number of dead and wounded soldiers could not be clarified.

On July 9, at 01.00, our forces carried out an action targeting two dragon-type military vehicles belonging to special operation soldiers near the Êlde neighorbood of Şemzinan district.

As result of the effective hits at the close range a vehicle was destroyed and another one was damaged. 11 soldiers were killed in the action. The soldiers in the other vehicle ran away from the area.

On the night of 8 July, the disguised units of the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the Xapuşke area o Şemzinan district. our YJA Star forces carried out an action after putting under surveillance for a long time. The unit which consists of contras and special operation forces fired on from two side at the close range. As a result of the effective result nine enemy forces were killed. After the action the occupying Turkish army bombed the area with howitzers and mortars.

On the afternoon of July 8, our forces organized an action against the police check point at the entrance to the airport of Gever. The number of dead and wounded police in the action could not be clarified.

On July 7, at 09.30, our forces carried out an action targeting enemy positions on the Martyr Mazlum hill in Çelê district. As a result of the effective hits two enemy soldiers have been identified killed. At the same day, at 12.00, enemy postions were targetded by our forces for the second time. One enemy soldier was killed in the action.

On june 8, at 10.00, the soldiers on the martyr's mazlum hill were shot once more by our forces. the soldiers on the martyr Mazlum hill were hit once more by our forces. Three enemy soldiers were killed and fire broke out on the positions as a result of the effective hits.

3. On July 7, the occupaying Turkish army launched an operation around Hakkari's Xirvate outpost in the Gever district. Our guerrillas encountered with occupying forces in operation entered into conflict with enemy soldiers. In the conflict that lasted for about an hour, the number of dead and wounded enemy soldier could not be clarified, one of our comrade who fought heroically against enemy soldiers reached martyrdom.

4. On 8 July, at 20:00, our forces, who putting ander surveillace a disguised unit of the occupying Turkish army, followed the enemy soldiers for about an hour and carried out an action near the Erziknê bridge between Hakkari and Van. As a result of the effective hits at the close range four soldiers werewere killed and two were wounded. After the action, the cobra-type attack helicopter bombed the area, invading forces launched an operation in the area of Geliyê Goranis. On July 9, the operation retreated without any results.

5. On 2 July, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation in the regions of the Mus with the support of UAVs, warplanes and cobra-type helicopters. The occupying forces carried out setdowns after bombed the area. On July 3, conflicts took broke between our forces and the enemy solders. Our comrade Axin, who fought heroically against the occupying forces for a day, has reached the martyrdom. The operation withdrew from the area on July 4. The ID information of our martyr comrade is as follows;

Nom de Guerre: Axin Avesta

Name Surname: Fatma Atagören

Place of Birth: -

Mother's - Father's Name: Halise- Mehmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 3/ 2017

6. July 8, at 23.10, within the scope of the Martyr Azad Farqin and Martyr Jinda Özgör revolutionary campaigns, our forces carried out a sabotage action targeting a convoy consists of armored vehicles of the the occupying army moving from the Tatvan to the Hizan districts of Bitlison . In the action, a kirpi-type armored vehicle was destroyed, 10 enemy soldiers were killed and 2 enemy soldiers were wounded. After the action, a large number of armored vehicles and ambulances were transferred to the scene and the dead and injured soldiers were removed from the scene.

7. On July 2, our guerrillas encountered with occupying forces in the area of Martyr Hasan in Dersim's Pülümür district, entered into conflict with enemy soldiers. In this conflict, the number of dead and wounded enemy soldiers could not be determined. One of our comrade who was fighting against the occupying forces heroically martyred.

8. On July 9, at 14.30, our forces carried out a sabotage action against the occupying Turksih army near the Avcılar outpost between Erzincan and Erzurum. In action, the armored vehicle was totally destroyed and three enemy soldiers were killed.

9. On July 9, at 21.30, our guerrillas organized an action against the police officers who control the road at the entrance of Hatay province. As a result of hits at the close range three police officers were killed in the action.

10. On July 1, at 18.00, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation with the support of UAVs, warplanes and cobra-type attack helicopters in the Kizilagac area of Karlova district of Bingöl. after setdowns were carried out by the occupying powers to the area with skorsky helicopters on July 2 at 01.00, our forces entered into conflict with enemy soldiers. Conflict continued on July 3, at 11.00. The occupying Turkish army, bombed the area with warplanes and cobra-type attack helicopters.

In the conflics and bombardments four of our guerrillas reached martyrdom.

Nom de Guerre: Azad Evindar

Name Surname: Bilal Aras

Place of Birth: Bingöl

Mother's - Father's Name: Güllü- Cengiz

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 3, 2017/ Bingöl

Nom de Guerre: Baweer Serhat

Name Surname: Asim Uğun

Place of Birth: Erzurum

Mother's - Father's Name: Yadigar- Halit

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 3, 2017/ Bingöl

Nom de Guerre: diren Bitlis

Name Surname: Adem Deniz

Place of Birth: Bitlis

Mother's - Father's Name: Filiz- Elfesiyar

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 3, 2017/ Bingöl

Nom de Guerre:Sorxwin Şiyar

Name Surname: İstek Çetin

Place of Birth: Muş

Mother's - Father's Name: Şeker- Kahraman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: July 3, 2017/ Bingöl

On July 10, 2017

HPG Press Release

























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