Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

After our HPG and YJA Star guerillas hit 6 military base areas effectively in Sirnak and Semzinan on November 9 and 10, and after footage from the action against the Slort Hill in Semdinli’s Besosin (Ortaklar) outpost surfaced, the Turkish state has launched indiscriminate heavy mortar and artillery fire against Medya Defence Zones due to the heavy losses they suffered and the shock they experienced. These attacks are being exaggerated by the pool media, and the truth is being hidden from the public in Turkey and the world as they speak of dozens of guerrillas being martyred.

We would like to state that there hasn’t been a single guerrilla martyred in the timeframe they speak of. On the contrary, our forces have inflicted heavy losses on the invading Turkish army with the effective actions in Northern Kurdistan, as seen in Medya Defence Zones and Gabar. The colonialist-fascist Turkish state’s declarations about our movement have nothing to do with the truth today, as they didn’t in the past.

 As seen in the attacks against the Mark Stream area, a touristic area in Southern Kurdistan, on November 9, the mindset that heeds no rules of war has attacked our civilian people and the natural environment in Kurdistan in coordination with UAVs. It is apparent that this mindset has been resorting to disseminating false information to impact the morale of our patriotic people. We are calling on our people to be aware against false information and fake news and to not pay any mind to those who disseminate them.


November 15, 2018

HPG Press Centre