Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On January 14, between 01.00 and 01.30, Turkish army warplanes bombarded the surroundings of the village Golika and the houses in the village of Seferi in Amedi district  of Duhok.


In the bombardment carried out against the village of Seferi, two houses were completely destroyed whilst other houses, vineyards and gardens were damaged as well. Again, between 01.00 - 01.30 and 04.30 - 05.00, warplanes bombarded the martyrdom cemetery around the area of ​​Metina. Damage to the martyrdom cemetery has been caused as a result of the bombardment.

The Turkish army which does not recognize limits on the dirty war that is being carried out, revealed its cowardly face once again by attacking the graveyards where the martyred guerrillas are buried. It should be known that we will not remain silent against these attacks which does not fit into any laws of war and targets civilian settlements.

14 January 2017

HPG Press Centre