Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

We celebrate the 38th anniversary of our party PKK, founded as a decision for national resurrection against the genocide in Kurdistan, for our Leader Apo who has spent great efforts in the founding of our party and the development to this day, for the patriotic people of Kurdistan, for the families of our martyrs, for all progressive peoples and all our esteemed comrades.

PKK is a party of martyrs. Our party is an organization for a great struggle, it has experienced social expansion and reached this day by the efforts of our martyrs, through resistance, through a fight, through building life piece by piece. In this sense, we offer our respects and our gratitude for all our martyrs in the person of comrade Haki Karer, our great martyr who created the foundation on which our party was founded through his martyrdom, and we repeat our promise for victory.

PKK is also a Leader party. In the name of all Kurdistan People’s Defense Forces, we celebrate the party anniversary for Leader Apo, who spread the seeds of our party in a time when nobody spoke of the Kurd with his deep insight and determined outburst, shaped this movement with all his life, and brought the movement to this day with his never ending efforts, and we express once more our love, respect and loyalty.

Our party PKK has become a hope for freedom and life in the lands of Kurdistan where the colonialist powers left nothing but boot prints. With the great struggle it has waged for 38 years, it has spent and inspired great efforts for our people to regain their identity, culture and true selves. In this sense, the founding of the PKK is an effective intervention in the name of the Kurdish people against the history of the hegemonic cruelty and tyranny. Leader Apo, with his efforts, has brought the PKK to the position of the leading party, and in doing so has opened a path to life and existence for the Kurdish people who were ignored and were seen only fit for death. The people of Kurdistan regained their identity through this struggle, and the will to fight and the courage. The people of Kurdistan, who were robbed of their identity and experienced the strictest of slavery, actualizing an ideological and social revolution like this, and reshaping the society on the basis of women’s emancipation, experiencing such an enlightenment, at the same time gaining a moral and ethical will and a will to fight led to them leading the Democratic Middle Eastern Revolution. The people of Kurdistan today display a resistance war to be an example for all peoples in their fight against the two fascist powers, the pinnacle of regressive ideology, ISIS and AKP.

In the current situation, the chance to struggle for the existence of Kurdistan people under the leadership of PKK, whose rightful cause is spreading, getting stronger and shaping the region, is a great honor for all members of Kurdistan People’s Defense Forces. The founding of our party ended the genocide on our people. Today it’s time for emancipation. It is undoubtedly our duty to fulfill the purposes of our great martyrs, walking in their path in a way worthy of the emancipation process.

As the Kurdistan People’s Defense Forces, in the 39th year of our party, we are experience the determination to crown our people’s struggle for freedom with glory more than ever. As cadres in this struggle with amazing experience, locked on success more than ever, we are at our peak for actualizing a practice fitting our duties in this period. On the 39th year of our struggle, we declare that we will fulfill the duties of the period with all our might as soldiers of freedom to our party PKK, a party of Leader and martyrs. We celebrate the anniversary of our party for all our people on the glorious march of victory in history and all comrades who resist. We wish great glory to all in the 39th year.


People’s Defense Center Headquarters Command