Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On 4 December 2019, the invading Turkish army bombed the Spiyan area of ​​Şırnak in Gabar Region. In these bombardments, 2 of our friends fell martyrs.

The identity details of two fallen guerrillas are as follows: 

Nom de Guerre: Botan Çiyager

Name Surname: Ferman Atay

Place of Birth: Mardin

Mother's-Father's Name: Mülkiye - Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom: December 4, 2019 / Gabar

Botan – Ferman Atay

Nom de Guerre: Kawa Hesınkar

Name Surname: İbrahim Halil Fırat

Place of Birth: Urfa

Mother's-Father's Name: Mahide - Ismail

Date and Place of Martyrdom: December 4, 2019 / Gabar


Kawa – İbrahim Halil Fırat

The invading Turkish state strives to end the existence of the Kurdish people at every opportunity and has tried to eliminate the social existence and cultural values ​​of the Kurdish people with excuses that have been going on for centuries.

Still, despite all this genocide and cruelty, the Kurdish people have managed to protect their own existence and reclaimed their own cultural values. With the emergence of the PKK and President Apo (Abdullah Öcalan), this resistance has now penetrated deep into the national conscience in all parts of Kurdistan.

Our comrades Kawa and Botan have joined the guerrilla ranks to lead the martyrs' legacy to victory. They have always made extraordinary efforts to fulfill their duties with unwavering will and great faith.

We extend our condolences to all patriotic Kurdish people, especially the families of both comrades.

May 14, 2020

HPG Press Centre