Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On June 7, clashes broke out with soldiers of the invading Turkish army in Aralık and the Kirê Sor area. The following day, the enemy launched an operation that resulted in violent fighting until late in the evening. Four of our fighters fell a martyr.

The ID details of our martyrs are as follows: 

Code name: Hejar Agirî 

Name and surname: Vahit Çür

Place of birth: Ağrı

Mother and father's name: Necla - Bedirhan

Date and place of martyrdom: 8 June 2020 / Iğdır

Hejar – Vahit Çür

Code name: Mazlum Serhat

Name and surname: Seyhan Taş

Place of birth: Van

Mother and father's name: Nedime - Süleyman 

Date and place of martyrdom: 8 June 2020 / Iğdır

Mazlum – Seyhan Taş

Code name: Sarina Şervan

Name and surname: Mehnaz Hasan Xelefo

Place of birth: Maku / East Kurdistan

Mother and father's name: Zeynab – Hasan

Date and place of martyrdom: 8 June 2020 / Iğdır

Sarina – Mehnaz Hasan Xelefo

Code name: Serhat Umut

Name and surname: Onur Yörüklü

Place of birth: Istanbul 

Mother and father's name: Latife - Ali Sait

Date and place of martyrdom: 8 June 2020 / Iğdır

Serhat – Onur Yörüklü 

Our comrades Sarina, Hejar, Mazlum and Serhat came to ranks of the guerrilla from different regions of Kurdistan. Yet they have been subjected to the same persecution and discrimination. They recognized early on that the resistance of the PKK was the ultimate way to free themselves from the assimilationist policies of the occupying states and the denial of Kurdish existence and joined the ranks of the guerrillas.

They learned the philosophy of Rêber Apo and successfully participated in the resistance at all levels of struggle. We extend our sincere condolences to the families of our fallen and the Kurdish nation. We promise to continue our struggle on their path until we reach our ideals.

June 13, 2020 

HPG Press Centre