Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

 Press Release

 The AKP-MHP fascist government is engaged in a total war against the Kurdish people by putting all kinds of facilities of the state into use in order to reach a result in the Kurdish genocide. Conflicts arise every day due to the orientations of the fascist power.

 Our guerrilla forces, against the enemy's invasion attempts, in the actions, developed continues inflicting heavy losses to the enemy with both resistances and the spirit of attack. The fascist power of the AKP-MHP, which fooled the Turkish public, gave the dates to finish the guerrilla, and finally, the Turkish Interior Minister Soylu mentioned that the guerrilla would be finished by November 20. Against the AKP's special war rhetoric, the guerrilla continues to frustrate all the fascist rhetoric and attacks by writing resistance epics in the mountains and towns of Kurdistan.

 One of the most striking resistances of the Guerrilla has been the Besta area of Botan. As the public knows, on November 3, the occupying Turkish army launched an operation with an air-assisted military force and hundreds of contras for the Besta region of Şırnak. Since the beginning, there have been intense conflicts in the area of operations. Our guerrilla forces have carried out effective actions against the many forces of the enemy who want to advance from the land. When the Turkish army could not fight against the guerrilla, as usual, it wanted to obtain results with the bombardments that it carried out from the air based on its technical power. During the ongoing operation, we had losses as well as the heavy losses of the enemy.

 Delal Amed, who was in the field command of Botan according to the information from the area of battle, and a group of our comrades, displayed a great heroic resistance and reached martyrdom.

 Our comrade Delal Amed (Hülya Eroğlu) came to the world in Amed in 1975 and has been in the struggle since 1992. Comrade Delal, who has been individually trained by Leader Apo, has succeeded all her life to being a self-sacrificing militant devoted to our Leader and party. Our comrade Delal, who participated in the struggle with the highest level of responsibility in all the field she has been in and made great efforts, has become a comrade who has come forward with her commanding personality as a strong, self-sacrifical commander in the military sense. Our Delal comrade, who also assumed the role of HPG Command Council and YJA STAR Central Headquarters Command and fulfilled all missions with a high spirit of success, was one of our comrade who personally coordinated the guerrilla resistance against the enemy's fascist attacks. Our comrade Delal Amed, symbolized in the Kurdish freedom struggle, will be one of our exemplary comrades in guerrilla resistance, her life and personality will always lead us.

 Amongst comrade Delal, in the group, 12 of our comrades who have fell as martyrs in the various fields of Besta due to air attacks, are each of our comrades who have succeeded in being resistance symbols. Foremost comrade Aze Malazgirt, all our martyr comrades will be the name of marching in the victory road with the love of freedom. Commitment to their memory will be the only source of power that will lead us to success.

The ID information of our martyr comrades is as following;


Nom de Guerre: Delal Amed

Name- Surname: Hülya Eroğlu

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's- Father's Name: Vetfa - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 11, 2017 / Şırnak

Delal – Hülya Eroğlu

Nom de Guerre: Aze Malazgirt

Name- Surname: Aslı Özkaya

Place of Birth: İzmir

Mother's- Father's Name: Fatma - Behrem

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 11, 2017 / Şırnak

Aze – Aslı Özkaya

Nom de Guerre: Agit Özgür Roni

Name- Surname: Sercan Baran

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's- Father's Name: İlkay - Seyfi

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15,  2017 / Şırnak

Agit – Sercan Baran

Nom de Guerre: Dicle Erdem

Name- Surname: Zeliha Karatay

Place of Birth: Ağrı

Mother's- Father's Name: Nazime - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 11, 2017 / Şırnak

Dicle – Zeliha Karatay

Nom de Guerreı: Fırat Tolhıldan

Name- Surname: Mehmet Şirin İşlak

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Mother's- Father's Name: Sultan - Mehmet

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Fırat – Mehmet Şirin İşlak

Nom de Guerre: Hozan Mizgin

Name- Surname: Serhat Özcan

Place of Birth Batman

Mother's- Father's Name: Ayhan - İhsan

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Hozan – Serhat Özcan

Nom de Guerre: Ronahi Amed

Name- Surname: Ferfure Uçakan

Place of Birth: Amed

Mother's- Father's Name: Havva - Abdullah

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 11, 2017 / Şırnak

Ronahi – Ferfure Uçakan

Nom de Guerre: Viyan Ruken

Name- Surname: Ceylan Güngen

Place of Birth: Şırnak

Mother's- Father's Name: Hüsna - Yusuf

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 11, 2017 / Şırnak

Viyan – Ceylan Güngen

Nom de Guerre: Viyan Mazlum

Name- Surname: Gule Cumo

Place of Birth: Halep

Mother's- Father's Name: Nazlı - Muhammed

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Viyan – Gule Cumo

Nom de Guerre: Zozan Herekol

Name- Surname: Evin Çetinkaya

Place of Birth: Batman

Mother's- Father's Name: Hatun - Şükrü

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Zozan – Evin Çetinkaya

Nom de Guerre: Zozan Cudi

Name- Surname: Zozan Temir

Place of Birth: Qamışlo

 Mother's- Father's Name: Ayşen – Muhammed Şerif

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Zozan – Zozan Temir

Nom de Guerre: Doktor Şoreş

Name- Surname: -

Place of Birth: -

 Mother's- Father's Name: -

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Doktor Şoreş

Nom de Guerre: Ferhat Mamxuri

Name- Surname: Ferhat Kaya

Place of Birth: Van

 Mother's- Father's Name: Ayşe – Mele Salih

Date and Place of Martyrdom: November 15, 2017 / Şırnak

Ferhat – Ferhat Kaya


November 20, 2017

HPG Press Centre