Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

In the announcement we made on May 11, we shared the information about the conflict on the Çukurca border line with the public. It was stated that our connection with Zana comrade was lost in the first place and that the operation had continued.

On May 9, after the conflict between our forces and the soldiers between the Kararaş and Deştane outpost, the Turkish army carried out an operation on the field, and our forces have organized an action against the operation force. A total of three soldiers were killed in the conflicts where Zana comrade reached martyrdom.

The ID information of our martyr comrade is as following:

Nom De Guerre: Zana Beybun

Name Surname: Newroz Yiğit

Place of Birth: Maxmur

Mother's - Father's Name: Şilan - Sadi

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 12 May 2017 / Hakkari

Comrade Zana, who came from a patriotic family, has become with his humble personality the sacrificial and courageous example of Kurdish youth in the five years of his guerrilla life.

The place of our precious people and families who raised them, as much as the guerrillas in the history of resistance of our Freedom Movement, is not arguable. Comrade Zana is also a pioneer militant of this valuable family. Our devoted people have left us the duty of creating a free Kurdistan which is worthy of them.

Comrade Zana is a prominent representative of the society, family, Kurdishness, Kurdistan, which he came with alongside himself. Comrade Zana is a symbol of the anger and passion in thousands of Kurdish youth against all those who want to create a world without the Kurd with all its violence and brutality. We, as the revenge movement of our martyr comrades, and our murdered people, hold the struggle of our martyrs in high honour.

We express our people, especially our patriotic family, our condolences.

17 May, 2017

HPG Press Centre