Kurdistan People's Defence Forces

Press Release

On 16 June 2020, the colonialist Turkish state launched one of the biggest operations in its history in order to occupy the Kurdistan territory. The fascist Turkish state, which aims at eliminating the Freedom Guerrilla, the free will of the Kurdish people, and everything it represents, has chosen the area of Heftanin as its target. On 16 June 2020 has proved once again that the will of the Freedom Guerrillas can more than the most sophisticated technology.

Under the leadership of the PKK, which revived the national spirit in Kurdistan, Kurdish youth headed towards the free mountains to take part in the resistance without hesitation. The Kurdish Freedom Guerrilla is answering to the fascist, colonial forces today as it has done yesterday.

Our comrades fell as martyr after fighting heroically against the invading Turkish army. The Id information of the martyrs are as follow:

Nom de Guerre: Agit Çiya

Name Surname: Rıfat Aksoy

Birth Place: Batman

Mother - Father Name: Fener - Kutbettin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 16 June 2020 / Heftanin

Agit – Rıfat Aksoy

Nom de Guerre: Mazlum Piro 

Name Surname: Murat Aktaş

Birth Place: Kars

Mother - Father Name: Ayfer - Osman

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 16 June 2020 / Heftanin

Mazlum – Murat Aktaş

Nom de Guerre: Çiya Bakur

Name Surname: Şerif Ali Ebubekir

Place of Birth: Ranya

Mother's-Father's Name: Fatıma - Ali

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 16 June 2020 / Heftanin

Çiya – Şerif Ali Abubekir

Code Name: Şahin Tolhıldan

Name Surname: Nadir Kerim

Birth Place: Sine

Mother's-Father's Name: Şerafet - Gurban

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 16 June 2020 / Heftanin

Şahin – Nadir Kerimi

Nom de Guerre: Tolhıldan Ararat

Name Surname: Mehdi Ahmedi

Place of Birth: Kotol

Mother's-Father's Name: Sıdıka - Yusuf

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 16 June 2020 / Heftanin

Tolhıldan – Mehdi Ahmedi

Our comrades, Agit, Mazlum, Şahin and Tolhildan who are concrete examples of great resistance and sacrifice combined with national spirit, have been turned immortal by writing their names in gold letters to the history of Kurdistan resistance.

We extend our condolences to all the patriotic Kurdish people, especially precious families of our heroic comrades and promise that we will keep their memories in our struggle by carrying our struggle to victory.

July 1, 2020

HPG Press Centre