Народные силы самообороны

In the second part of this interview, Duran Kalkan, member of the KCK Executive Council, said that "the Turkish plans in South Kurdistan have been frustrated again."

Turkey’s colonialist war of aggression in northern Iraq/southern Kurdistan. What can you tell us about the fighting there? And what impact will the developments in Syria have on the forces involved?

By the end of 2024, the level that the war has reached is significant. The plans of the Turkish Republic have been frustrated once again. The war continues on every front. The war in 2024 was centered in the areas of Western Zap and the Metina area. Mainly on the basis of the agreement made with the Iraqi administration on April 22, they renewed that agreement on August 15. This agreement was based on what they call “closing the lock” and getting results in this regard. It was a year of war that they waged with the intention that at the end of it, as Tayyip Erdoğan put it, there should be no trace of the PKK left in northern Iraq. Now we see that the resistance continues in Metina, that it continues in Western Zap as well. The war continues in every way, and just the other day we heard of new actions of the guerrillas on Mount Cudi, Mount Amediye, Mount Bahar, and on the slopes of Metina.

It must have been July 3rd, when, as a result of the agreement with Iraq, armored troops were placed on the asphalted roads stretching from the south of all these areas, from Amediye and Dereluk to Sheladize, and with the support of the KDP, the Turkish Republic announced that it would now be able to achieve results in the fastest way possible. What is the true result? They are stuck. One could say they locked themselves. Without the support of the KDP, without the support of Iraq, they would not be able to stay where they currently are for a minute. They should not forget that everything happens based on that support.

There was news that the KDP ambushed a team of the HPG. KDP should not play with fire. It is visible what process we are going through. That is the only thing I say in this regard for now. The Turkish forces are only able to survive with the power of the KDP in all these areas. This is the current situation.

In this context, some words to those who opened the gates to the Turkish Republic, who sold these places, who led and supported the invasion and annexation attacks on the Medya Defense Areas, that beautiful geography that is supposedly part of Iraq and Southern Kurdistan. What has the KDP done? Does it ever question what it has done? What did the Iraqi administration, the Sudani administration does? Our comrades have often warned them. I haven’t said much in this regard myself recently. It is always said that they act according to their own interests. But I would also like to say one or two things.

Those sitting in Baghdad should look at what happened to Bashar al-Assad and come to their senses. What else is needed to say? Assad was their brother. They were two states, with one administration. Tayyip Erdoğan held meetings with Bashar al-Assad in Damascus, and now he is bragging about how he treacherously overthrew him. Now he says, “I called him. He didn’t answer me, and that is what happened to him.” This is how he defends what he did. Baghdad should know who they are collaborating with. They should know who they seek friendship from.

It was the PKK that protected the administration in Baghdad against ISIS. It was the PKK that protected them in Kirkuk, that protected them in Hewler (Erbil), that protected them in Shengal (Sinjar). The former Iraqi Prime Minister thanked the PKK in front of the press, in front of the public. Massoud Barzani went and sat next to the guerrilla commanders in Makhmur and expressed his gratitude. “You protected my power”, he said. If they had not protected him in Makhmur, the Barzani sultanate in Hewler would have been destroyed.

It is hard to tell whether the Barzanis will be rehabilitated or not. Because collaborationism and betrayal are such things that once you get involved, you sink deeper and deeper. There is no way out.

Now it is said that Iraq will be next. The administration of Tayyip Erdoğan will do the same in Iraq as it did in Syria. And it will do this based on the military positions that the Sudani administration pioneered and built and the organizations it built in Iraq, with the power it gets from them. They will see what will happen to them. We didn’t want to say these things. We warned them many times, but they didn’t listen to us. If they had listened a little bit, they wouldn’t have acted in such a narrow, simple, self-interested way. It would have been better for them. What else is there to say now? Now, they must see how they can save themselves.

The PKK is waging its struggle. It pays whatever the price is. It shows courage and sacrifice and carries out its struggle. It defends the Medya Defense Areas against the Turkish occupation. This is the defense of Southern Kurdistan and Iraq. The PKK does this without relying on any other force, based only on its own strength. Everyone should do their own accounting. The alliance that the current Iraqi administration has made, was it really against the PKK? Or was it a trap set for itself? Our leadership warned you and back then expressed that you are being set up, that you are being played, and are falling into a trap. Back then, we already stated that you would have to pay a heavy price for it. Now they say there is panic in Baghdad; there is panic in Iraq. Movement has started everywhere. The situation in Syria is rapidly affecting the situation in Iraq. We hope they will learn their lessons, because those who make mistakes will pay for them. We hope that the democratic and freedom-striving forces in Iraq will assess correctly what the PKK is struggling for and will accordingly come to the right path. They will see how the Kurds educated by Rêber Apo under the leadership of the PKK are a brotherly force, a force of democracy for Iraq. Joining this path, this is our call, this is our expectation.

We are currently still in the month of December. It is a month in which Kurdish society, and therefore democratic society in general, has historically suffered a lot of pain. What would you like to express on this occasion?

The month of December, particularly the second half of that month, has historically seen a number of massacres and assassinations carried out by the Turkish Republic. Actually, the history of the Turkish Republic consists of many massacres. In fact, this assessment shouldn’t be limited to the Turkish Republic, since massacres are part of the history of all states. But the sole existence of the Turkish Republic in Kurdistan means massacre. And especially looking at the month of December, this becomes clear.

The most incisive one was the Maras (Gimgim or the Turkish name Kahramanmarash) Massacre, which took place on December 19 to 24, 1978, one month after the establishment of the PKK. The Alevi-Kurdish community was targeted those days. I again commemorate the martyrs of that massacre with respect and gratitude.

For more than 46 years now, the PKK has struggled to avenge this massacre and has asked for retribution. It will continue to do so even more.

46 years ago, it was the aim of this massacre to wipe out all Kurds west of the Euphrates. Now, on the 46th anniversary, following the same mentality, attacks are being carried out in Manbij. Yesterday Maras, today Manbij. The aim is to wipe out all Kurdish existence west of the Euphrates. An anti-Kurdish, fascist, colonialist, and genocidal mentality and policy prevailed. They are committing massacres and the heaviest and most brutal crimes against humanity in order to destroy the democratic environment in which Kurdishness can show its existence. This must be stopped. We ensure that through our struggle, one day those who did this will be held accountable before history, before humanity.

In the month of December, there was also the Roboski Massacre. It happened thirteen years ago, on December 28th. I also commemorate the martyrs of Roboski with respect and gratitude. That massacre was committed following the personal command of Tayyip Erdoğan. He gave clear instructions. He claimed that they had killed comrade Bahoz Erdal, but who they actually killed were the children of Roboski, who were trying to do their trade, trying to support their families. Tayyip Erdoğan’s hands were stained with the blood of those children. His crime has gotten worse and bigger.

There was also the massacre in the prison on December 19. Dozens of revolutionaries were brutally murdered in prison in 2001. I commemorate them all with respect and gratitude. And in 2022, on December 23, there was the second massacre of Paris, following the first one on January 9 in 2013. On this occasion, I commemorate the martyrs of both Paris massacres, Sara, Rojbin, and Ronahi, as well as Evin Goyi, Abdurrahman Kizil, and Mir Perwer, with respect and gratitude. Our people abroad, our patriotic people, must struggle strongly and effectively in order to protect their memories. I salute the struggles and resistances being waged and call for a stronger struggle.

At this point, we must also address the French government. The murderers are known; the instigators are known. There are so many documents, so much evidence. The leaders of France say, ‘We must protect the Kurds in Rojava’. There are voices like that, even if they are weak. Sometimes they praise the YPJ fighters, but on the other hand, together with the massacring AKP-MHP fascist administration, they do not even enlighten the assassination of Kurds in Paris. They do not hold criminals to account. Therefore, their words have no seriousness. The rulers of France should know that the seriousness of their words in the eyes of the Kurds can only be achieved by illuminating these two Paris assassinations and punishing their perpetrators. Only then will the Kurds believe their words and take them seriously.

The people of Paris, the French society, showed a certain reaction. They showed their solidarity. There is a strong friendship with the Kurdish people. I salute them. They should take on more responsibility in this struggle. There needs to be more pressure on the French administration. It is time to hold the AKP government to account for its massacres and assassinations, which constitute crimes against humanity. This fascist government must be held to account. Everyone must unite in demanding accountability. Therefore, French society must put more pressure on its own government. Because one of their weakest bellies is these fascist massacres. No one should ever allow the assertion that the Turkish Republic had nothing to do with the second massacre. It is very well known that Turkish intelligence was the perpetrator of it. This is its only job. The Turkish authorities openly admit that they have lists of people that they want to assassinate. One does not need to be a scholar to understand what they are doing. They don’t even really try to hide it; they don’t even really try to conceal it. It is such a world that we are living in. It is as if the Turkish state has been given every opportunity and permission to massacre Kurds. The struggle to uncover the truth and to hold them to account must be continued further and more effectively.