Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The details of the actions carried out by our forces and the attacks of the occupying Turkish army are as follows:

1. Şehîd Axîn Muş Unit;

— On January 24, at 12:15, occupiers in the Girê Bahar Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were targeted by aircraft. In this action, 1 radar system was destroyed.

— On January 25, at 13:15, occupiers in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were targeted by aircraft. In this action, 1 container was destroyed.

— On January 26, at 14:53, occupiers in the Girê Bahar Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were targeted and by aircraft. In this action, 2 military tents were destroyed.

2. Şehîd Delil Western Zap region;

— On January 23, at 12:17, the occupiers in the Girê Bahar Resistance Area were targeted with heavy weapons. This action was carried out by our YJA Star forces.

— On January 24, at 11:40, the occupiers in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were targeted with semi-automatic weapons and the movement of the invaders was stopped. This action was carried out by our YJA Star forces.

3. Attacks carried out by the occupying Turkish army with banned explosives;

— On January 22, our battle tunnels in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region were bombed once with banned explosives.

— On January 26, our battle tunnels in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl West Zap region were bombed once with banned explosives.

4. Attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army;

— Between 23 and 27 January, the Lolan, Goşînê, Berbizinê, Şehîd Şerîf Resistance Areas of the Xakurkê region 8 times; Dêreşê, Dêrik, Girê Zengil, Ergenê, Mêranê, Yekmalê, Girê Mesken, Deşta Kafya areas of the Garê region 22 times; Bêşîlî, Serê Metîna, Şêlazê Resistance Areas of the Metîna region 5 times and Girê Amediyê Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region 3 times were bombed by warplanes.

— On January 25, the Girê Bahar Resistance Area of the Şehîd Delîl Western Zap region 13 times were bombed by attack helicopters.

January 28, 2025

HPG Press Center