Народные силы самообороны

civilizition 11A society that is forced to deny its ontological roots cannot sustain a viable existence in the long-term.

Civilizational history of the Middle East is a history of denial and environmental destruction. History has taken this course as a dialectical consequence of the denial of Neolithic social values at the outset of material and moral civilization; while Neolithic society was both morally and materially ecological. The spiritual world of Neolithic society is based on an animate environment and is therefore immensely valued.

The roots of economy are based around the ability of the woman to provide nourishment. Women and nature are symbiotically unified. A natural animate spiritual understanding is symbolised by goddesses. The means for material production are mostly invented by women. Nourishment and clothing are dominated by women. All these values, however, were to be denied by the establishment of civilization and turned into means of exploitation and oppression by the new male hegemony. Mother Earth was to be deemed insignificant. Holy books were to state “women are your fields, plough them as you wish”.

Sumerian cities extensively began to chemically process the earth in the hunt for more profits which led to an increase in the desertification of an already growing desert. Civilizational development has had a very negative impact in the desertification of Mesopotamia. In the spiritual domain of civilization nature, the environment and the earth have always been deemed insignificant. This is no doubt an ideological approach; it is applied in order to degrade and easily govern the culture of agriculture that it perched and founded itself upon. Ideologically civilization has created an imaginary construct of the world in which it is deemed an enemy where humans find themselves only to render account of themselves. Once again Holy books state “The world is your place of examination”. On the other hand state elites have always created a worldly heaven for themselves, and have never believed in the religions that they themselves have invented; this is because they know only too well that they themselves have invented them. In fact, societal development as part of geo-biological evolution was to be consistently denied throughout civilizational progression (or actually regression), and covered up by imaginary and abstract constructs of a heaven.

The roots of the ecological problem lie within this framework. It is easy to understand that we are faced with a perilous social problem. A society that is forced to deny its ontological roots cannot sustain a viable existence in the long-term. This is why the exploitative and profit hunting mentality of the power elites and the ideological and military wars that come with it are anti-ecological, anti-biological and anti-societal. The depression that the financial age of the capitalist system now finds itself in is a clear signal of these truths. The fake world that they have constructed can no longer uphold its own lies. At no other time in history has humanity been so alienated from nature, life and sociality. 

Abdullah OCALAN