Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign;

– On October 2, at 10:30, the invaders who attempted to attack the Werxelê Resistance Area in the Avaşîn region were targeted and hit by our forces.

As a result of the action, 2 invaders were punished and 2 invaders were injured. This successful action was carried out to salute the Werxelê Fighters, who fought with a great will against the invaders.

– At 13:30 on October 2 and at 06:40 on October 3, the invaders on the Şehîd Serxwebun in the Zap region were targeted and hit twice by our forces with heavy weapons. In both actions, the targets set were hit accurately.

2. Within the scope of the Cenga Xabur Revolutionary Initiative, in the Metîna region; 

– Attack helicopters that attempted to bomb Hiroê and Kêste villages between 20:20 and 21:00 on October 2 were targeted by our forces. As a result of the intervention of our forces, attack helicopters had to leave the area.

3. From the evening hours of 1 October until the morning hours of 2 October, helicopter movements took place over the areas of Girê Sor, Girê Silêman, Girê Spî, Mervanos and Tabûra Ereba in Avaşîn region. At the same time, Tabura Eraba, Geliyê Basya areas and Dirê village were bombed with attack helicopters and mortars.

– On October 2, between 19:00 and 22:00, there was helicopter activity took place over the Qaşura line of the Metîna region. At the same time, the surroundings of Serarû, Êdinê, Dêşîşe villages of the Kanî Masî sub-district of the Amediye district; Koordîne, Qela Qûmriyê areas and Banka village were bombed with attack helicopters and warplanes at 10:20 am. 

– On October 2, at 16:15, Zap'Girê Cûdî was bombarded with warplanes and howitzers fired from police stations on the borderline at night on the same day. On the morning of October 3, the Zêvê area was bombed with howitzers and mortars. As a result of the bombardments, the fires in the field continue.

– On October 2, at 14:44, the village of Yekmale in the Bergarê district of Duhok's Amediye district was bombed with warplanes. 

October 3, 2021 

HPG Press Centre