Народные силы самообороны


1-On 17 July, the occupier forces of Turkish state army launched a military operation under the support of cobra type helicopters in the areas of the Villages of Sise, Derxust and Ali Xuso/Sehit Kendal/Lice/Amed. As a result of bombardments made a bush-fire began in the area. When civilian wanted to put-off the fire, a second bombardment carried out against the civilians with obus and mortars, in between 06:00-07:00 hours.

At 14:00 hour, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy soldiers deployed to the area to participate to the operation. As a result, a hedgehog type armoured military vehicle have been totally destroyed by our guerrillas and, 3 enemy soldiers killed and many others wounded. At afternoon hours, enemy forces bombarded the areas of Sise, Cenik and Huseynik, once more. The bush-fires began in these areas, which still continues. The military operation of enemy couldn’t be able to reach its target and pulled back on the same day.

2-On 18 July at 04:00 hour, the occupier Turkish state army launched a military operation in the Triangle of Lice-Hazro-Karaz/Amed, by air-landing its forces under support of cobra type helicopters. A clash occurred in between our guerrillas and enemy operational forces nearby the Strait of Antak. The number of killed and wounded enemy soldiers carried away by sikorsky type helicopters, yet numbers couldn’t clerified. Aftermath, the area have been bombarded with no aim and a bush fire began in the area, which still continues. Later, at 17:00 hour, enemy forces pulled back without reaching their target.

HPG Media and Communication Center

19. 07. 2012