Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla continues with the Revolutionary Operations to salute the 15 August Resurrection Day. As a result of the actions carried out by our forces with the spirit of Apoist sacrifice, heavy blows were dealt to the invading Turkish state.

Our guerrilla will surely bring victory to our oppressed people by following the footsteps of our immortal leader and great commander Egîd, with the spirit of 15 August offensive.

As a result of the actions 39 invaders were punished, 5 invaders were injured. 2 radar systems, 2 positions, 2 surveillance camera systems and ammunition depot were destroyed. 1 digger vehicle, 1 A4 weapon position and 1 BKC weapon position were damaged. In addition, our forces confiscated 20 kg of explosives, 1 mobile phone, 3 G-3 rifle magazines, 2 hand grenades, 1 bullet-proof waistcoat, 1 tactical mission shield and other equipment.

The invading Turkish army attacked the Resistance Zones 28 times with tactical nuclear, chemical weapons and hand grenades, 9 times with warplanes, 18 times with attack helicopters and dozens of times with howitzers, mortars, tanks and heavy weapons.

The details of the actions are as follows;

1. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Avaşîn region;

– On August 6, at 08:40, the invaders who tried to attack the war tunnels in the Werxelê Resistance Area with their digger vehicles were targeted and hit with individual and heavy weapons. As a result of the intervention of our forces, 1 digger vehicle was damaged.

– On August 6, at 10:40, the invaders who wanted to attack the war tunnels in the Werxelê Resistance Area with tactical nuclear bombs were hit with heavy weapons.

2. Within the scope of the Cenga Xabûrê Şehîd Savaş Maraş Revolutionary Campaign;

– On August 6, at 08:30, the Kanî Masî outpost of the invading Turkish army in the Kanî Masî sub-district of Duhok's Amediyê district was targeted and hit by our forces with heavy weapons. As a result of the hits of our mobile teams; 2 invaders were punished, 1 position, 2 radar systems and 1 surveillance camera system were destroyed.

– At 10:30 on August 6, 1 invader who wanted to planted a surveillance camera system in the Girê FM Resistance Area was hit and punished by our YJA Star forces.

– At 15:30 on August 6, 4 invaders who wanted to attack the battle positions in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area with explosives were hit twice with sabotage tactics. In the action, 3 invaders were punished and 1 invader was injured. Our forces called on the wounded invader to surrender. The wounded soldier asked our forces for help and was killed by other invading Turkish soldiers. Our forces targeted the occupation unit from which the shot was fired, as a result of which one of them was punished. During the intense clashes, our forces seized 20 kg of explosives, 1 mobile phone, 3 G-3 individual gun magazines, 2 hand grenades, 1 bullet-proof waistcoat, 1 tactical mission shield and other equipment.

– On August 6, 17:40, the invaders in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were hit by our mobile teams with a comprehensive guerrilla action from three sides. First action arm targeted a position belonging to the invaders and hit. 1 position targeted was destroyed and 4 invaders were punished. Second arm of action punished 1 invader by shooting the invaders with an assassination tactic. The third arm of action targeted the ammunition depot belonging to the invaders and 3 invaders around the ammunition were punished. This ammunition depot exploded by burning for a long time and was completely destroyed.

– On August 7, at 05:00, the invaders who wanted to advance towards the Şehîd Sîpan and Şehîd Gelhat war tunnels in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were put under control. The Revolutionary Operation was launched against the invaders and they were shot in six sides. First operating arm punished 5 invaders by targeting them with individual weapons and hand grenades. Second operating arm punished 4 invaders with individual weapons and bombs. Third operating arm punished 3 invaders with hand grenades. The fourth operating arm punished 3 invaders with individual weapons and 4 invaders were injured. Fifth operating arm punished 6 invaders with his assassination tactic, and 1 invader was injured. The sixth operation arm punished 2 invaders with hand grenades.

Simultaneously with this action, the invaders positioned around the Girê Şehîd Pîrdoxan battle position were targeted and hit. In the action, 1 invader was punished, 1 A4 position and 1 BKC position were damaged. At the same time, 1 surveillance camera planted by the invaders was targeted and destroyed.

3. Within of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Xakurkê region;

– On August 6, at 15:30, the invaders in Girê Şehîd Şahan were hit with heavy weapons by our YJA Star forces.

4. In our statement dated 5 August: On August 2, an armoured vehicle belonging to the invading Turkish soldiers on the move between Girê Maymun and Girê Sînek hills in Sirnex was effectively hit by our mobile YJA Star teams with sabotage tactics. While the armoured vehicle was destroyed in the action 8 invaders in this vehicle were punished and 3 invaders were injured.

According to our determination and information, 2 invaders were punished and 2 were injured in the action. We apologise to the public and our people for this mistake.

5. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons;

– On 6 August, the war tunnels in the Girê FM Resistance Area were bombed twice with tactical nuclear bombs and chemical weapons.

– On 6 August, the war tunnels in the Werxelê Resistance Area were bombed 24 times with tactical nuclear bombs, chemical weapons, fog and hand grenades.

– On August 6, the war tunnels in the Şikefta Birîndara Resistance Area were bombed twice with bomb-laden drones. It has been determined that these explosives contain intense chemicals.

6. Attacks by the invading Turkish army with heavy weapons, howitzers, tanks, helicopters and warplanes;

– On 6 August, the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area was bombed 9 times with warplanes.

– On 6 August, Girê Cûdî, Girê FM, Girê Amediyê and Werxelê Resistance Areas were bombed 18 times with attack helicopters.

– On August 6, Şikefta Birîndara and Çemço Resistance Areas were bombed dozens of times with heavy weapons, howitzers and tanks.


August 7, 2022

HPG Press Centre