Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

The Kurdistan Freedom Guerrilla continues to inflict heavy blows on the invading Turkish army by fighting effectively. As a result of the actions of our mobile teams using rich tactics with great creativity; 5 invaders were punished, 2 surveillance camera systems were destroyed and 1 container was damaged.

The invading Turkish army bombed the Guerrilla Resistance Areas 6 times with attack helicopters and dozens of times with howitzers, tanks, mortars and heavy weapons.

The details of the actions taken and the attacks made are as follows;

1. Within the scope of the Cenga Xabûrê Şehîd Savaş Maraş Revolutionary Campaign;

– At 08:30 on 30 November, the invaders in the Girê Amediyê Resistance Area were hit from 3 sides by our mobile teams in a coordinated guerrilla action. First action arm targeted invaders around the Şehîd Cesur hill with the tactic of infiltration and punished 5 invaders with individual weapons and hand grenades. Second arm of action arm hit invaders around Şehîd Sîpan hill. As a result of the effective hits 2 surveillance camera systems were destroyed.

2. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Xakurkê region;

– On November 30, at 15:30, the invaders in Girê Şehîd Şahan Resistance Area were hit with heavy weapons by our mobile teams. 1 container was damaged in this action.

– On November 30, at 16:30, the invaders in the Girê Şehîd Axîn Resistance Area were hit with heavy weapons by our YJA Star teams.

3. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army;

– On 30 November and 1 December, Girê Amediyê Girê Amediyê and Girê Şehîd Şahan Resistance Areas were bombed 6 times with attack helicopters.

– On November 29, Sîda, Çemço, Girê FM and Girê Amediye Resistance Areas were bombed dozens of times with howitzers, mortars, tanks and heavy weapons.


December 1, 2022

HPG Press Centre