Народные силы самообороны


1- The Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the Village of Hergus, Govende and all the areas of Zagros/the Medya Defence Areas, from 19:00 hours of 2nd to 02:00 hours of 3rd November.

2- The Turkish state army carried obus and mortar attack on the area of Xakurke and the areas of Siro, Geliye Res and Bercemane/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas, since 1st of November. As a result of these attacks, one of our guerrilla named Dilsad Kobani (Xalit Suleyman) reached to martery. The Central Commandmant of the HPG said that this attack is an answer to their announcement of non-action period until 2011 general elections in order to create a peace and diologue environment.

The I.D. Details of Our Martered Guerrilla is as Follow:

Dilsad - Xelil Suleyman

Code Name: Dilsad Kobani

Real Name: Xelil Suleyman

Year and Place of Birth: 1975/Kobani

Year and Place of Participation: 1995/Kobani

Name of Mother: Yaze

Name of Father: Muhammed

Date and Place of Martery: 2 November 2010/ Xakurke/The Medya Defence Areas


The Press Liaison Center - HPG
