Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

Since 26 July, when our small guerrilla group, which was on duty to go from one place to another, reached the vicinity of Xelîfan, their relations with us were cut off.

According to the information we received from the local people, The KDP-affiliated forces, who learned the location of our group after a tip-off, surrounded this group, while the group was trying to get away from the area, they were attacked by these forces and some of our friends were martyred. Local people said that the area in question was surrounded by KDP forces and entrances and exits were prohibited. No other information can be obtained.

It is understood from the statements made by some KDP officials through the press on the same dates that an incident took place in the Xelîfan district. We are seriously concerned about the fate of our comrades. There is no justification for besieging and attacking a group just passing by in this way. This is unacceptable. It is understood that an attitude completely subjected to the enemies of the people of Kurdistan has been held.

We expect the KDP group to provide accurate, credible and reliable information. At this critical stage in history, we invite all of our people to be sensitive to this aggression, which may cause serious harm to the national interests of the Kurdish people, and all relevant political circles to take responsibility in terms of their national duties.

July 29, 2021

HPG Press Centre