Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. The actions of our forces continue against the invasion operation launched by the invading Turkish army in the Heftanin region. The details of the actions carried out by our forces within the scope of the battle of Heftanin Campaign are as follows:

On July 7, at 09.30, our YJA Star forces carried out an action against the invaders positioned on Qesrokê hill. In this action where an enemy shelter on the hill was hit effectively, 12 enemy soldiers were killed while the shelter was completely destroyed.

During the morning hours of July 8, our YJA Star forces carried out 2 assassination actions against the invaders in the Şeşdara area. In this action, 2 enemy soldiers were killed.

Also, as a result of the air attack on the Xantur area of ​​the invading Turkish army on July 3, our comrades Goran Goyi and Viyan Devrim fell as martyr. The ID information of our friends will be shared with the public later on.

2 The invading Turkish army launched an operation on July 1 in the Kato Jirka region of Şırnak. The operation covers the areas of Kani Reşê in Deriyê Qaçê. Our guerrillas hit the operational unit they had observed over a longer period of time. No information is available on the number of soldiers killed or injured in the action.

3. On July 5 our forces punished two counter-guerrillas Sebahattin Güngör and Hejar Batmaz. These persons, who were working with the Turkish occupying army, took photos of the area on Mount Cudi as supposed hunters, made maps of the area and determined the positions of our forces. They had two rifles, two handheld radios and binoculars with them, which were seized.

4. On July 7, at 7:30, warplanes belonging to the invading Turkish army bombed the Karker and Sida areas in the Medya Defence Zones in the Zap region. We did not lose any of these bombardments.

5. On June 27, the Turkish army launched an occupation operation in the area of Masiro in Besta region, province Şırnak. After the bombing by fighter jets and attack helicopters, the occupation forces airdropped soldiers from Sikorsky helicopters. During the operation, Commander Sarya Besta and our comrades Vejin and Avareş fell as martyr.

ID details of the fallen guerrillas are as follows:

Nom de Guerre: Sarya Besta

First-Last Name: Meryem Kaplan

Birthplace: Hakkari

Mother's - Father's Name: Mayse - Haci

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 June 2020 / Besta

Sarya – Meryem Kaplan

Nom de Guerre: Vejin Agır

First-Last Name: Besna Tuman

Birthplace: Van

Mother's - Father's Name: Cevahir - Mustafa

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 June 2020 / Besta

Vejin – Besna Tuman

Nom de Guerre: Avareş Helhel

First-Last Name: Musa Bulan

Birthplace: Amed

Mother's - Father's Name: Menice - Hüseyin

Date and Place of Martyrdom: 27 June 2020 / Besta

Avareş – Musa Bulan

We express our condolences to the relatives of our comrades and patriotic people of Kurdistan and give our word to continue the struggle of the fallen.

July 8, 2020

HPG Press Centre