Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

As a result of 19 actions carried out by our forces at least 10 invaders were punished, 1 invader was injured, 1 digger vehicle was damaged. At the same time, 2 surveillance camera systems and 1 mine trap were destroyed.

The invading Turkish army bombed the Resistance Areas 14 times with banned bombs and chemical weapons, 10 times with warplanes, and dozens of times with howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons.

The details of the actions are as follows;

1. Within the scope of the Egîdên Botanê Şehîd Diljîn–Şehîd Şervan Êrkendî Campaign;

– The invading Turkish army has started cutting trees, planted surveillance cameras and building military towers in Deriyê Xendekê, Mamgûrî, Teyrebaz and Difin areas in Cûdî as of September 27. Our mobile teams hit these invaders twice with sabotage tactics in the Teyrêbaz area. Later, 1 digger vehicle was hit and damaged with sabotage tactics.

2. Within the scope of the Bazên Zagrosê Revolutionary Campaign in the Zap region;

– On October 7, at 06:00, 07:00 and 08:00, the invaders around the Şehîd Agir battle positions in the Sîda Resistance Area were hit with heavy weapons by our mobile teams. 2 invaders were punished in these actions.

– On October 7, at 09:50, 1 surveillance camera system that the invaders placed around the battle positions in the Saca Resistance Area was destroyed by our mobile teams.

– At noon on October 7, the invaders who trying to advance towards the Şehîd Botan battle positions of the Çemço Resistance Area were hit 5 times with sabotage tactics. At least 4 invaders were punished in these actions.

– On October 7, at 11:00, the invaders who tried to bomb the Şehîd Agir battle positions in the Sîda Resistance Area with banned bombs were hit with sabotage tactics and 1 invader was punished.

– On October 7, at 17:40, the invaders in the Çemço Resistance Area were shot twice by our mobile teams with heavy weapons. In these actions, 2 invaders were punished and 1 invader was injured.

– On October 7, at 18:00, 1 surveillance camera system, which the invaders placed around the Şehîd Felat battle positions in the Sîda Resistance Area and was trapped by attaching a mine to it, was detected by our mobile teams. Our forces have professionally destroyed the surveillance camera system and trap setup.

3. Within the scope of the Cenga Xabûrê Şehîd Savaş Maraş Revolutionary Campaign;

– On October 7, at 11:00, the occupiers on the move in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were hit with heavy weapons by our mobile teams.

– On October 7, at 15:30, the invaders in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were shot by our mobile teams with an assassination tactic and 1 invader was punished.

– On October 7, at 19:00, the invaders who wanted to bomb the war positions in the Girê Cûdî Resistance Area were hit by our mobile teams with individual weapons.

4. The attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army with banned bombs and chemical weapons;

– On October 7, the battle positions in the Girê Amediyê and Saca Resistance Area, the Şehîd Felat battle positions in the Sîda Resistance Area and the Şehîd Botan battle positions in the Çemço Resistance Area were bombed 14 times with banned bombs and chemical weapons.

5. Attacks by the invading Turkish army;

– On October 7, the Daşta Kafya area in Garê, the Golka area in Metîna, and the Şehîd Munzur area in Qandil were bombed 10 times with warplanes.

– On October 7, Çemço, Girê Hakkarî and Girê FM Resistance Areas were bombed dozens of times with howitzers, tanks and heavy weapons.

– On October 7, drone activity was observed over the Saca, Girê Cûdî and Girê Amediyê Resistance Areas.

– The invading Turkish army is trying to destroy the battle positions in the Karker Resistance Area with buckets and crushing buckets.

6. On October 6 and 7, the Girê Berbizinê and Hornê areas of Xakurkê's Goşînê region were bombed dozens of times by Iranian forces with howitzers and mortars. These areas were also bombed twice by Iranian drones.

October 8, 2022

HPG Press Centre