Народные силы самообороны

Press Release

1. In the Werxelê Resistance Area in the Avaşîn region; 

– In the evening of September 25, the invading Turkish army bombed the Werxelê Resistance Area with explosives and heavy weapons.

2. On September 25, between 22:10 – 00:00, helicopter movement took place over the areas of Girê Silêman, Girê Sor, Girê Spî, Mervanos, Tabûra Eraba and Banista in Avaşîn region. At the same time, the Girê Martyr Rızgar, Girê Martyr Intîkam and Mamreşo areas were bombed with attack helicopters.

– On September 24, between 09:00 and 10:00, the surroundings of Edînê and Serarû villages of Kanî Masî sub-district of Amediye district were bombed with howitzers and mortars fired from the outposts on the borderline. As a result of this bombardment, the houses and gardens of our people in Bashure Kurdistan were damaged and people had to leave their villages.

– On September 25, between 22:30 and 00:30, the helicopter activity took place over the Qaşura line of the Metîna region. At the same time, the Koordine, Qela Qumriyê, Kêste, Girê Martyr Çiya, Dola Derarê areas and the Êdinê village land were bombed with attack helicopters. 

– Hirore, Kêste and Qela Qumriyê lands of the Kanî Masî sub-district of Amediye district were bombed with howitzers and mortars fired from the outposts on the borderline, from 18:00 on 25 September until the morning hours on 26 September. As a result of this bombardment, houses belonging to our people were damaged. 

As a result of these vile attacks carried out by the invading Turkish army by directly targeting our civilian population, a civilian citizen living in the village of Hirore was seriously injured.

– On September 25, between 21:30 and 22:50, the Çemço area of ​​the Zap region was bombed with howitzers and mortars fired from the police stations on the borderline. 

September 26, 2021 

HPG Press Centre