Народные силы самообороны


1. In between the hours of 11:00-11:30am and 18:00-19:00 of the 10th November, turkish state army have carried obus and mortal attack against the areas of Sive and Dole Sive/Zap/Medya Defence Areas.

2. Two of our guerrillas, who went for a duty, have been martryed on the 6th of November, 2009, in the area of Mutki/Bitlis.

The details of the martryed guerrillaa ID.’s are as follows:

Code Name: Civan Derik
Real Name: Asim Muhammed
Date of Birth: 1982/Derik
Place and Date of Participation: :1999/Derik
Name of Mother: Serife
Name of Father: Muhammed Emin
Date of Martered:6th of November,2009/Mutki-Bitlis

Comrade Ciwan Derik have had borned in 1982 in one of our part of a town of Derik in Western Kurdistan, and after the captivity of our leader he effected and decided to join to the our guerrilla ranks.  Comrade Ciwan was familiar with the organization due to being  grown up in a patriotic family, and he starts his active struggle in the Kandil area.  Then, he went to Mountains of Botan, where Martaryed Agit and thousands of other heros who wrote legends, to do his field-work. Again, he returns back to our areas of South to have central military training and then he wanted to join the field-work again after being accumulated himself. This time his arrangement for a field-work would be the state of Garzan.  Comrade Ciwan lead his responsibilities up to as a Division Commander durung his field-work, and during all his field-work in our Northern areas, he was modest, focused on the tactics, and he was one of our comrades, who is given needed focuse  on the self-defend and the impact of striking the enemy during the practical war –time. For the survivors, he try to be the answer of the questions of ‘how a  young and a Kurdish guerrillas should live and must fight?’ , in his rate of power. As a his friends, we promise that we will bound to his memories.

Code Name: Şiyar Mutki
Real Name: Mülazim Aysal
Date and Place of Birth: 01/02/1986-Bitlis
Place and Date of Participation: :2003/…
Name of Mother: Fethiye
Name of Father: Ethem
Date of Martered: 6th November,2009/Mutki-Bitlis

Comrade Siyar borned in 1986 in Bitlis and, as a kurdish youth he sympathies the Freedom Struggle’s legitimate resistance movement and its gains. While living in the metropolitans, he works in textile area for a living. He decides to join the guerrilla ranks in 2003. He decides to join because, he wanted to live in a dignity as a human being and play a leading role as a kurdish youth against the denial and annihilation policies and increasing attacks against kurdish people by the Turkish fascist regime. He participated to the field-works in the areas of Xakurke, Sehidan and Xinere. Then he decided and suggested to go to his country’s mountains of the state of Garzan, where he believed to be more useful. During his field-work practice in the state of Garzan, within his comrades he was populer and he known as agile, honest and enthusiastic attitudes. They have both martryed while he and his friend on a duty to carry out. The hear the martry of both Comrade Siyar and Civan, as all other our martryed comrades, who have reached to the level of testimony, further reinforces our decision to fight against our enemy with a more powerful army, with the right to legitimate defence, with aspirations for a honorable life. On this basis, as a HPG, we will be following both of our comrades to be worthy for the struggle which they have had lead.

The Press Liasion Centre – HPG
