Народные силы самообороны


1- On 13 February, a clash has been occurred in between our guerrilas and enemy soldiers in the district of Cinar, in between the cities of Mardin and Amed. As a result, our guerrilla named Yunus (Kazim Huseyinzade) reached to martry, whome born 1986 in Urmiye and participated to the struggle in the year of 2001. And, another of our guerrilla name Zindan Gilord (Ismet Akin) have been captured by enemy as he wounded.  

2- We have had already shared information in regarding to the clash occurred on 9 February, in between operational forces of the occupier Turkish state army and our guerrillas in the area of Ilicalar/Bingol, and where 9 of our guerrillas reached to martry with fedaiin stand and 2 of our other guerrillas have fallen into hands of the enemy as wounded. We have had already shared the I.D. details of our martryed friends Mahir and Piling. We now learned that our guerrilla named Tirej (Cahit Acar) have been also reached to martry as a result of this clash.

The I.D. Detail of our martryed guerrilla is as follow;

Tirej - Cahit AcarCode Name: Tirej Roj

Real Name: Cahit Acar

Year and Place of Birth: 1986/Mus

Name of Mother: Safiye

Name of Father: Sefik

Year and Place of Participation: 2005/Istanbul

Date and Place of Martry: 9 February 2012/ Bingol

3- We have had already shared information in regarding to the military operation carried out by the occupier Turkish state army and special operational police forces in the surrounding area of the Plateau of Gomika (Gunyayla)/Kozluk/Batman, on 3 February. As a result of clashes occurred in between operational enemy forces and our guerrillas 5 of our guerrillas reached to martry, which the I.D. details of 3 of our guerrillas have had already been shared. We now clerified that our guerrilla friend Mustafa (Murat Sakar) have also been martryed.

The I.D. Details of our martryed guerrilla is as follow;

Code Name: Mustafa Cesur

Real Name: Murat Sakar

Year and Place of Birth: 1984/Mus

Name of Mother: Remziye

Name of Father: M. Emin

Date and Place of Martry: 3 February 2012/ Kozlik, Batman



4- The occupier Turkish state army carried out intensive obus and mortar attacks on the areas of Ciyares, Sikefta Birindara, Geliye Feqire; the Hills of Ferhat, Angola, Rubar, Karker, Xeregol and Marya; the Villages of Sarke, Sipindarok, Zeve, Serne, Sarke, Ditaza, Nerweh, Bime, Seve, Betkare and Baluka/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas.

HPG Media and Communication Center
