Народные силы самообороны


1- On 29 June at around 01:30 hour, within the frame of military operations some few days ago, 2 of our guerrillas have been martryed in the district of Cemizgezek/Dersim.

As a result of this clash, while a guerrilla named Muharrem lost his life, the other guerrilla named Hewal Yilmaz exploded his hand-granede within himself for not to be caught alive by enemy. One of the guerrilla code name Muharrem who has been martryed is a member of TKP-ML TIKKO.

The I.D. Details of Martryed Guerrillas are as follow:

Yılmaz - Mazlum Erenci

Code Name: Yilmaz Piling
Real Name: Mazlum Erenci

Year and Place of Birth: 1992/Amed

Name of Mother: Remziye

Name of Father: Erkan

Year of Participation and Place: 2010/Amed

Date and Place of Martry: 29 June 2011/ Cemizgezek - Dersim

Code Name: Muharrem

Real Name: Yordal Yildirim

Year and Place of Birth: 1979/Yozgat

Year and Place of Participation: 1998/Europe

Date and Place of Martry: 29 June 2011/ Cemizgezek - Dersim

2- As a result of a clash occurred during a military operation launched by the Turkish state army in between Hakkari and Cukurca, a military vehicle belongs to the state army have been destroyed by our guerrillas. We couldn't be able to clerify the number of soldiers killed and wounded in the military vehicle. Aftermath of the clash, the Turkish state army extended the frame of the operation. Within the frame of the military operation, extensive clashes occurring in the area of Suware Bene. We will be giving more detail info to the public about these clashes as we receive.

3- On 29 June in between 18:00-19:00 hours, the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attacks on the Hills of Ciyayeres, Cehennem, Angola, Ferhat and Rubar, the Areas of Sirte Kovi and Late Kewa, the Villages of Serne, Sarke and Nerweh/Zap/the Medya Defence Areas. Fire began in the Villages of Sarke and Nerweh. Our YJA-Star Forces in the area retaliated to this attacks by mortars against the Turkish state armys' Cannon Battalion of Sere Seve and, the army stations of Gire and Siker/Cukurca/Hakkari. We couldn't be able to clerify the numbers of killed and wounded enemy as a result of retaliation action carried out by our YJA-Star Forces.

4- In the morning hours of 1 July, the Iranian army carried Katyusa and mortar attack against the Straits of Dalamper and the area of Sehit Beritan/Xakurke/the Medya Defence Areas.

5- While 29 June the Iranian Army have been pulled back from a joint operation with Turkish state army against the areas of Vargenima and Ahmed Bendi in the borderline of Semzinan/Hakkari on 27 June, the Turkish state army still continues the operation in the area. Our Guerrillas have nothing to the with the explosion resulted with a destruction of a military vehicle belongs to the Turkish state arm during the military operation.

HPG Press and Communication Center
