Народные силы самообороны


1-For a while now, a mixed group of 15 soldier and contras belongs to the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carrying out ambushes in the area of Setkare, in the district of Beytussebap/Sirnak.

2-On 22 May, the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out obus and mortar attcaks on the Hill of Zavite, in the area of Perex, district of Zaxo/the Medya Defence Areas.

3-On 23 May, our guerrillas carried out an action against enemy forces positioned on the Hill of Meymun, in the district of Uludere/Hakkari. As a result, 2 enemy soldiers killed and 1 wounded.

4-We have already shared with public that the occupier forces of the Turkish state army carried out intensive bombardments with cobra type helicopter, obus and mortars, from night hours of 20 May to morning hours of 21 May, then in the morning launched a military operation in the area of Sere Spi, in the district of Kulp/Amed.

Later, it has been claimed that 1 member of the special forces of the police killed and, 1 village-guard and 3 soldiers wounded as a result of a accident.

Yet, we found as a result of our investigation on the incident that this incident ocuured as a result of bombardments of the occupier Turkish state army forces of their own soldiers. The incident occurred after a drone detected a unit made of policeman, village-guard and soldiers in the area of Sere Spi, and then bombardments carried out on them. Until now, there is no clashes occurred in between our guerrillas and the operational forces of enemy in this area.

HPG Media and Communication Center
